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signed7 t1_jczrpr4 wrote

Doesn't work when every other big tech is on hiring freeze though


brogrammer9k t1_jd3vogp wrote

Freezes but also fiercely competitive with all the layoffs. A friend of mine works in infosec and ive been trying to help him with finding remote work. These positions are so competitve, most openings at respectable places have thousands of applicants. We've had some friends with FAANG experience review his resume and make a few tweaks, which IMO is solid. I think at this point he's applied to over 40 positions and hasn't been able to get a single interview. Shits rough.


DevAway22314 t1_jd4d0bd wrote

Infosec is still pretty hot in terms of hiring. Companies only spend the money they have to on security, so they haven't really been able to cut it at all unless they're accepting higher risk (which some are, but the skill gap is still huge)

What role is he going for the he can't get interviews? My LinkedIn inbox is still consistently full, and I have had no problem getting interviews when I poke around to test the waters

For anyone with experience, most technical security roles are plentiful


Waaypoint t1_jd7qlth wrote

I hate to say it runs like this but it sort of does.

They need to be in the same groups and clubs as the people working or hiring at the companies they want to work for.

While they may eventually get something with just a resume, referrals from local infosec groups, meetups, and clubs is extremely helpful.

Also, at least in infosec, I haven't seen FAANG companies all that interested in hiring remote work at the moment. In fact, those remote seem to be disproportionately targeted in these rounds of layoffs. I've had more remote or hybrid job offers from smaller infosec companies. Just take care if they are looking at a private company without a predetermined exit strategy.

In my experience these smaller companies expect you to know their specific product and services prior to interview; particularity in cloud (e.g. containers, docker, apps, etc).

TLDR: There are a solid number of small public (and private) security focused companies with remote work. Getting referred in from people you know is important. Knowing the specific product/tech wins the interview.


Playertee t1_jd0pwxs wrote

They’ll unfreeze eventually


NewPresWhoDis t1_jd0y6z0 wrote

No. Replaced with companies that actually innovate. Two of the FAANGs exist solely to push ads.