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esran7 OP t1_jeb2urj wrote

my generalizations of fandom communities were accurate, they rarely discuss the quality of a show or movie and mostly focus on the cool moments and what it all means for the future movies/shows. boba Fett and Obi-Wan are now almost universally panned, but reddit threads in dedicated subs were very positive. you won't see many or any critical comments even in threads for the worst marvel movies over at r/marvelstudios unless you sort for controversial. it's just how it is.


kazh t1_jeb5v2w wrote

While a lot of those threads were positive, they still largely pointed out the flaws. You're doing exactly what you're accusing the fan base of doing.


lordatlas t1_jedqxx2 wrote

> threads for the worst marvel movies over at r/marvelstudios

Every third post in /r/marvelstudios - "I just don't get all the hate that [poorly rated movie] is getting..." followed by comments from people who seem to genuinely believe some of us paid money to see an MCU movie just so we could shit on them on Reddit.