Submitted by bterrik t3_yagke6 in television

Late to the game, I was finally clued in to this really cool show. Fell in love with the characters and binged it in one night.

I thought the performances from Tim Minchin and Milly Alcock were fantastic. Maybe I'm a soft touch, but it could have me laughing in one scene and then tearing up 30 seconds later. Highlights for me were the petrol station scene in Ep3 and the last 10 minutes of Ep5.

If you haven't seen Upright, please do yourself a favor and give it a try! I'd love to chat about it with some folks.



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new_handle t1_itb3ptq wrote

You might be interested in this!


bterrik OP t1_itch4y1 wrote

Very interested! It seems like (though we got lots of development on both characters) S1 was Lucky's mission driving the story and this time it'll be Meg's turn.

Enjoyed that trailer very much. I laughed at the beginning where Lucky's all like, "You can't show up four years later and expect me to get on a plane with you," and Meg just raises an eyebrow and off they go.

Tim Minchin has a history of creating stuff that's funny and sad - often at the same time - and I'm sure they'll be plenty of rollercoasters for us as the audience.


Itzli t1_itjckwo wrote

Thanks for the trailer. I didn't know the show was coming back! I discovered the show a while ago and I'm so excited for the new season. Milly was great in the first one, she was great in 'House of the dragon' and I'm glad she's coming back for s2


RunTillYouPuke t1_itbmh7f wrote

It is an amazing show.
The >!piano!< scene in the last episode made me cry so much and I don't usually cry. It happened because of Tim Minchin's outstanding creation of Lucky character with which I felt very connected.
I can't wait for season 2.


bterrik OP t1_itcgljx wrote

Yes, the whole last episode was great. Tim's emotion during that scene just brought it home.

Very excited for season 2 as well. I can't wait to see where the two characters are after four years.


Player00000000 t1_itiq8rw wrote

I loved this show. It shocks me how little attention it has gotten, so thank you for mentioning it. I was starting to think I was the only one who saw it. I didn't ever expect there to be a series 2 and that trailer looks fantastic.


EntireComedian t1_itc8yct wrote

Just binge watched it. Fricking great! Came to reddit to find more similar shows and here I am...


bterrik OP t1_itchali wrote

Right? It was so good. Funny and sad and bombastic and relatable all in one. Performances from the mains were fantastic.


Dangerous_West7073 t1_itd7a6y wrote

Never heard of it. Is it the 2019 comedy drama? Why is it good?


bterrik OP t1_itddsv5 wrote

Yeah, that's the one. First of all, I was interested in the premise. I'm somewhat of an adventure/travel buff so the idea of a road trip across the Australian desert piqued my interest. The two feature characters at the outset are total polar opposites - an older, world weary guy trying to get home to see his mom who has cancer alongside a rebellious, amusingly sweary teenage girl. Though I admit the concept would probably have worn on me if it wasn't played so well by the two actors, Tim Minchin and Milly Alcock.

Milly's Meg is outlandish, bold-beyond-reason, and even borderline annoying at first, but as you get to know her and learn more about why she is where she is, you can't help but feeling connected to the character. Maybe I'm a soft touch, but Milly's performance absolutely had me tearing up multiple times, especially during the back half of the season. She just can make you laugh, and roll your eyes, and cry all within the same scene.

Tim's Lucky is also outstanding. He's world-worn and anxious at the start and is dealing with some pretty heavy stuff, but it's the kind of stuff that's easy to connect to and it doesn't really weigh down his character. He's not a downer. And his journey is kind of the driving force behind the story, and you really do come to understand him as more and more of his background is revealed throughout the series.

Tim and Milly (and their respective characters) are perfect foils for one another and it's really their combined performance that makes Upright such an enjoyable watch. And the conclusion to his story was just - to me - so absolutely satisfying.

And then you can throw on some amazing landscapes and cinematography, oddball secondary characters, great heart, and the charm (as an international viewer) of the Australian slang - and insults - and to me it just really worked.


actuallyidontknow t1_itdg6qo wrote

Just watched it a few weeks ago and loved it. I thought it took a few episodes to hit its stride, but by the end it became something pretty great. Milly Alcock really is fantastic.


bterrik OP t1_itdhfk7 wrote

Yeah, it did take a few to really latch on. But at some point around 2/3/4 all of a sudden I knew I'd watch the whole thing in one go. Like a four hour movie.

And yeah, I would imagine early season Meg was a riot to play. All the cussing and boldness and just dropping little hints of vulnerability and damage. And then >!when you get the suicide reveal!< and all that plays out of that, it becomes clear that Meg was wearing that persona as armor and she flips a switch and your heart just breaks for her.