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t1_iufsitu wrote

Yeah, The Wire is still a show I always recommend. It's just different, like you pointed out. It's more than the great, more than the great characters. It's the city, the experiment, life, America. The show holds a mirror to your face , or America, many times. It's a masterpiece for me. I mean there's a reason they now study the show in sociology classes in college.


t1_iufsobh wrote

I will add that it took a second viewing to fully appreciate it as a work of art really. So many things I missed initially.


t1_iufqr1a wrote

Have you watched MASH yet? It's basically the holy grail of TV.


OP t1_iufrhaj wrote

Really didn't like how the show mixed comedy and drama. I like shows that mix those things, but the way MASH did it felt extremely clumsy.


t1_iufrite wrote

If you watched Breaking Bad, you have to watch Better Call Saul and El Camino to finish the story.


t1_iuftqex wrote

honestly i think the last season of the wire is a near disaster. It didn't ruin the show like dexter or GoT but it definitely backflipped over the shark


OP t1_iufu3tc wrote

Never understood the feeling there. I thought it was quite a riveting final season. The serial killer thing felt no less plausible than Hamsterdam and Omar surviving that fall I think is taken directly from a real life incident.


t1_iug0pw3 wrote

This is why BB slightly edges it out for me. Also BCS. I consider BCS to be as good as BB, and it's mostly the same crew of writers, so as far as I'm concerned BB is actually an 11 season series, and all 11 seasons are fucking incredible.

The wire is amazing but it only managed 4 seasons before it took a dip. BB ran 11 seasons and never dipped once. They're both the top two series of all time in my book, but BB/BCS gets the #1 spot for me because of just how consistently amazing it was.


t1_iufqscs wrote

Meh…I’d take The Shield, Deadwood, and Succession over that trio so definitely not universally recognised.


OP t1_iufr6zg wrote

I did say "practically". On a personal level while I would put Wire and BB in my top three, I'd say The Americans is better than The Sopranos.


t1_iufspvr wrote

Even then Mad Men would be quoted by most critics before The Wire. As reflected in the Emmy Award wins.


OP t1_iuftjn4 wrote

Yeah but just compare their IMDB ratings and their Wikipedia pages. The Wire is 9.3 and has ten citations for the paragraph claiming its the best show ever. Mad Men is 8.7 and has three citations for a similar claim.


t1_iug5o78 wrote

The Wire is a great show. Any younger skewing male platform like Reddit or IMBb will rate it highly. It appeals more to that demo than a show like Mad Men or some thing like The Crown. Seems to me the Emmy Awards mean a bit more than IMBb ratings or wiki citations.


OP t1_iug5xv8 wrote

The Emmys gave GoT season 7 and 8 more accolades than Better Call Saul in its entire run. They have just as much legitimacy as a website that can be spammed with dummy ratings.