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Thetimmybaby t1_iwj6y6h wrote

Was really shocked Bernard was a serial killer in this one. Not a good choice.


Randym1982 t1_iwjrox7 wrote

I was even shocked that he was a clone, and the OG Bernard died years ago.


LexLuthorsPissJar t1_iwj0alk wrote

Not surprising. Hocus Pocus 2 lacked any sense of Halloween spirit, so it doesn't surprise me that Disney was lazy once again and just threw Tim Allen in a fat suit on some cheap set.

Say whatever you want about the original trilogy, but it had so much Christmas spirit in it (at least the second one did). To see it lacking here is a big disappointment.


Swankified_Tristan t1_iwjwgfe wrote

>It had so much Christmas spirit in it (at least the second one did).

I might watch the other two depending on time and mood but "The Santa Clause 2" is always a Christmas tradition for me.

Nazi Tim Allen Santa Claus just can't be beat!


dragonphlegm t1_iwkv825 wrote

Even the third movie, which was really stupid at parts, still had some charm and a nice monologue about materialism


Teggeroo t1_iwmzbep wrote

Agreed. Even though I hated the third movie it’s miles better than this trash.


reddig33 t1_iwjkmbp wrote

Hocus Pocus 2 was a huge hit for Disney tho.


[deleted] t1_iwj09e5 wrote



Eugene_Henderson t1_iwkfhmo wrote

Should have replaced him with Chris Evans.


ssjvash t1_iwms0mr wrote

You mean Chris Pratt?


MrPotatoDead20 t1_iwn4b2u wrote

It’s pretty clearly a lightyear joke, they mean Evans


ssjvash t1_iwvxz4e wrote

nah, Chris Pratt is just the best actor in any medium so he should get more roles.


reddig33 t1_iwjkh6u wrote

Guess he will have to go back to dealing cocaine.


markca t1_iwodmhs wrote

Kinda kills the Christmas spirit when he flies his Trump flag on his sleigh and Rudolph uses a MAGA hat to guide the way.


keithtbarker t1_iwjw99m wrote

Should have focused the series on Judge Reinhold’s character from the originals treating patients that had run ins with Tim Allen’s Santa.


Teggeroo t1_iwmz3l4 wrote

After watching the first episode I’m disappointed. It sucks unfortunately. It’s not funny, acting is over the top, they threw politics in it, it’s just not good.


Natural-Heart-5645 t1_iwt7bb7 wrote

I’m the biggest fan of The Santa Clause trilogy (I watch all three every Christmas) so I was extremely hyped for this. All I can say is wow, I’m extremely disappointed. Too much politics like you said and it was just way too cringey. I will not be continuing the series


savageboredom t1_iwo5wt4 wrote

I felt the same way. Ended up watching episode 2 and it's better, but still not great.


FotographicFrenchFry t1_iwlw20f wrote

Ugh, Tim Allen's weird conservative values are shining through again. But this time as Santa. Now I get to watch 6 episodes of Santa complaining that things are too PC and the "War on Christmas" will get some actualized representation of some sort too, more than likely.


[deleted] t1_iwn4m4p wrote



FotographicFrenchFry t1_iwnb1tg wrote

Did you read the review?

>Here is a Santa who gripes that “Saying ‘Merry Christmas to all’ has suddenly become problematic,” and huffs at the idea that deeming a kid too naughty for presents is “brat-shaming.”

The first is a talking point of the right-wing "War on Christmas" narrative, and the second is obviously something a conservative Uncle would say when having to buy a present for all the nieces and nephews at the Christmas reunion.


[deleted] t1_iwneipf wrote



GhostRobot55 t1_iwuc2rt wrote

Bruh come on find a less cheesey way to argue.

Those lines are clearly in the show and already speak volumes.


kia75 t1_iwqwwpg wrote

Have you seen it? Tim Allen complains about not being able to say "Merry Christmas", the Elves don't want any kids to be labeled "naughty," even if they do naughty things. The replacement (non Tim Allen) Santa Clause is the CEO of a corporation, and even though he over-promised and under-delivered, it's not his fault for over-promising and under-delivering, but the media's fault for not having confidence that this CEO would do what's best for the world, setting up delivery centers 100 miles from every kid! Yes, the hero of the new series is basically an analog for Amazon's CEO.

And his kids are weird, but it's not Tim Allen's fault, he's a great dad, everybody says so! It's just that his boy is a Zoomer that only cares about technology for some reason, and his girl is a zoomer who wants to rescue deers that are mistreated at tourist traps. They only act like zoomers because they have no idea how the real world works.

The show is basically Conservative propaganda, and this propaganda is buried deep into its soul. Which is weird because the previous three movies weren't political at all. Most of Disney Plus's stuff avoids politics, even the show about the girl who grows up to be president went out of its way to avoid any sort of partisan politics.

I'm not certain where you get this about making stuff up when anyone with a Disney Plus subscription can watch the first two episodes.


CoverBoring2374 t1_ix26fl3 wrote

I'm not going to lie I'm very disappointed. From what I thought was going to be a very Classic series respecting the originals. Its a really hard to watch. It almost feels like I'm watching an adult version of a show that died. Adding children comedy and the joy of watching at all ages was an afterthought? It's like everyone died inside and had no Christmas spirit and everyone's just tired. Like the life was sucked out of the adults and th3 cgi and coloration with it. Like I don't understand how Tim Allen targeted a comedy series that's made for all ages to have adult politics. If there are children watching this show, I don't think it's appropriate that they're throwing in a political viewpoint. Nobpdy would give this show a problem with saying merry christmas. Im so dissapointed I was looking forward to this. Its almoat like adults cant seperate politics from creativity.


[deleted] t1_ixoeh9s wrote



CoverBoring2374 t1_ixok58z wrote

What? You seem to miss my point, the point is you can tell he did that to judge millenials and threw in his own view point. No need to make a child acting as an elf to point that out. Their clearly making fun of people respecting others and not judging people.That seems to be an issue to boomers. I understand the point of santa is a naughty and nice list. Nobody is saying you cant judge a child in a christmas movie anymore on whether their good or bad. But he clearly thinks you cant as he tried to show how stupid it is that you cant. By having the elves or one of them bring it up. The comedic tone is not the same as prior movies. You grow up. You clearly seem to miss the political aspects in the series. He makes fun of the people that made this movie priofitable/series to begin with. There are other examples in the series as well.


mobeyg t1_iwui5k5 wrote

Tim Allen is a Trump supporter and an ill informed conservative. I hope this show fails and he’s gone from the lime light. I’m tired of bigots continuing to have a platform.


Mysterion74 t1_ix6048b wrote

Lol, most celebrities with a platform are far leaning left. Stop worrying about peoples political leanings and you will be happier.


stonee113 t1_ixmulc1 wrote

Tim Allen is an actor who reads from a script given to him. Disney and their show writers are all democrats and liberals. This show will fail because of democrat values they try and force on the audience. The constant failure of Disney and “woke” left leaning content is evidence of this.


Successful_You_9978 t1_iy1z1x0 wrote

Tim Allen does a ton of his own content and is one of the executive producers of this show. These are his jokes and ideas


Swankified_Tristan t1_iwjwlep wrote

My expectations are so damn low for this and I'm just happy to be back in this universe again.

I'll probably enjoy it no matter what.


stebus88 t1_iwrspvi wrote

I was looking forward to this. The first and second films were great, and I didn’t even mind the third one.



poormansgeorgie t1_iy3b9o1 wrote

They should have just stopped after the first movie. It's like they saw Tim's conservative values and used that as his Santa character for The Santa Clauses.