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sleepyotter92 t1_j0ygptl wrote

lol multiple people, especially extras, talked about their awful experience on the show. the extras mainly had issues with leah michelle, who's an utter diva. pretty sure her and naya hated each other's guts because naya wasn't there to put up with leah's bs.

kevin and jenna are still milking the glee fame just like jonathan bennet is still milking the mean girls fame. they got nothing else notable in their careers so they gotta keep that fandom happy to keep the money flowing


MNGirlinKY t1_j0zpjme wrote

Well the extras kind of win on this one because Lea Michele just ruined her entire face with some very bad plastic surgery.


adamfrog t1_j14jtak wrote

Well shes also probably achieved all her dreams and made a ridiculous amount of money