Submitted by t3_10mfl93 in television


Premise: Still suffering from his own loss, a therapist (Jason Segel), disregards rules and ethics by telling his patients what he actually thinks in this comedy series created by Segel, Bill Lawrence and Brett Goldstein.

Subreddit(s): | Platform: | Metacritic: | Genre(s) :--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:| r/Shrinking, r/ShrinkingAppleTVPlus | Apple TV+ | [68/100] (score guide)| Comedy ​ Links:



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t1_j66h5g8 wrote

I just don’t understand how the husband would have known he would be at that soccer game at that time haha

But I enjoyed the episode enough for what it was


t1_j67h9tn wrote

I don’t think it’s a plot hole. Of course there’s no way he could’ve known for sure he’d be there. But some quick google searches and Facebook stuff and you could see that it was a good possibility.


t1_j689p6z wrote

He probably didn’t but assumed he would be cause his daughter is playing. Then, when he showed up he approached him.


t1_j678m1j wrote

Yeah, this was a pretty weird plot hole. There is no way he would know and he didn't follow them because they were on foot. I don't think he should know about his daughter's game at all, much less where it is or what time. It's possible something was left on the cutting room floor in relation to it.


t1_j68z169 wrote

Christa Miller has had a lot of work done. It’s kinda distracting.


t1_j6g9e76 wrote

Her face doesn’t even move when she talks or smiles.


t1_j6lp1hc wrote

It’s reminding me of the episode of scrubs where she gets Botox and can’t move her face…


t1_j6kvrls wrote

Yeah.. It took me a while to recognize her but... she's turning 60... still a hotty fwiw.


t1_j6kxh0p wrote

She’s so beautiful and youthful for 60 years old. She’s like Julianne Moore. I wish they weren’t scammed into getting these treatments. They really don’t have the need for it.


t1_j6fd11a wrote

Lots of potential. Had no clue the Ted Lasso team was involved with this- I can’t remember the last time Harrison Ford played anything close to just a normal dude, so that alone makes this worth the watch


t1_j65goh4 wrote

Big fan of these first two episodes! Very funny, very sad, and some great music (which is to be expected from a Bill Lawrence show)


t1_j669kzi wrote

I really enjoyed it. Put me in the same happy, but kind of melancholic mood that Ted Lasso always puts me in. I'm also happy to see Jason Segal again in something after HIMYM.


t1_j66mazd wrote

Liked it but didn’t love it. Not sure if I’ll continue. It’s difficult watching the main character make poor decisions that the viewer knows are poor. Also, Harrison Ford is great, but so much so that you feel like he should’ve been the centerpiece of the show instead.


t1_j67muj4 wrote

If you replace "main character" with "patient" and "viewer" with "therapist," you have almost an exact line of dialogue that Jason Segal delivers. It's almost like it's intentional.


t1_j6fdmbz wrote

It’s almost as if he missed the entire point of the show lol. His complaint is literally the source of the protagonists motivation


t1_j6dgm6h wrote

Love Jason Siegel and his whole "emotionally traumatized guy finding the good in life" schtick. Definitely gonna stay on this one.


t1_j64thm4 wrote

I watched the two episodes that were put up. There were some familiar "Forgetting Sarah Marshall Erickson" vibes with Segal, which are not necessarily a bad thing. Lots of familiar faces in the cast including Harrison Ford.

So far, I would consider it to be middling rather than outstanding. I happened to finally watch Mythic Quest recently and felt a more immediate interest and engagement in a world (not a gamer but it is interesting to learn about a game publisher) that was new to me, even though a different neurotic white guy (Rob McElhanney) is central to that show.

Might work well as a semi-passive binge than a week to week show. Curious how others found the show.


t1_j65ko24 wrote

The difference between this and Mythic Quest is that I have confidence in Bill Lawrence not to lose the plot. Mythic Quest has some amazing creatives behind it, but I think at this point it’s devolved into a bunch of good friends goofing around. That’s not necessarily a deal breaker for a sitcom/dramedy as long as there’s still some sort of progression and structure. Looking at The Office pre and post Michael Scott is a good example of this.


t1_j65mru2 wrote

I can see where MQ ends up devolving into goofing around. I am only about 3 episodes into S2. I am also binging it, which I find usually leads me to be less critical.

Shrinking was heavily promoted on Apple TV+ while I watched MQ, funny enough. That and the great cast led me to have high expectations. I'm sure it will be good. But, I hope it will be at least really good!

One thing that did strike me was the polish/budget of the show. At least for now, Apple's wallet (Apple Pay?) is wide open for production and stars.


t1_j63ayij wrote

I loved the previous work J.Segel turning around shrink, depression, therapy subjet. and I can't wait to watch this one


t1_j67k7yg wrote

I love Jason Siegel so I started watching it (Harrison Ford and the other cast is awesome too, but this guy isn’t in enough stuff), and then I saw that Brett Goldstein was involved and totally flipped out.

I’m usually never interested in anything that isn’t action, sci-fi, comedy, or some combination. This originally sounded like a drama to me. And it sorta is, but with a very much solid amount of comedy. It’s great.

My enjoyment is extra funny because it was a similar experience with Ted Lasso. It’s not typically the style I’m interested in, but holy crap it was so effing good. I resisted so long to watch that series because it’s not usually the genre I’m interested in, but now I’ve watched it like 12 times and my wife makes fun of me for it. I’m not sure yet this is to that level, but I am quite sure that we are in for a true treat with this series.


t1_j68odqr wrote

I don’t think this show’s for me. I enjoyed Scrubs and Cougar Town back in the day but this didn’t click with me in the same way. The perky music choices were really irritating - if you’re going to put Vampire Weekend over dialogue I’m only ever going to hear the music.


t1_j6hsx7g wrote

Nice to see Jason Segel getting more and more unhinged. Last series I saw him in was Dispatches from Elsewhere and that was a fucking trip.

I love Harrison Ford, but I hate that he's cast in the typical old man with Parkinson's role. However, his comic timing is as impeccable as ever.

The show has promise just because all the characters are so deeply flawed. >!I was so annoyed with the daughter (Alice) at the end of episode 2, though. Jimmy was so thrilled to cancel his plans and spend time with her (since she originally blew him off for Taco Tuesday), but she totally messed things up and then complained that he didn't "get" the gesture. I just don't know what else he could have done in that moment to get through to her.!<


t1_j6ngxrh wrote

I would have loved to see Ford in the lead role rather than "lovable grump".


t1_j6myezr wrote

I disagree. He should have wanted to cancel and just have done it.


t1_j66py1y wrote

Just watched first two episodes and I’m picky as fuck- story/acting/writing/MUSIC- all great. Love the show so far very fucking good.


t1_j67xuvz wrote

I like the show so far, but dont LOVE it. I sometimes get almost obnoxious though at how political correct the show tries to be. The joke where Segel says he can just leave his car in the middle of the road cause he is white for instance. No one would ever actually say that, and its not remotely true.


t1_j689hv1 wrote

The character wasn’t being serious here, he was making a joke… how would they know the car is owned by someone white?


t1_j68ba0u wrote

I know it was a joke, just an unnecessary political charged joke about how white people are treated better by the police that doesnt fit in this show


t1_j6b6it2 wrote

the show makes a lot of jokes in the same vein, not necessarily very funny ones but it fits


t1_j6amb3f wrote

I'm shocked at the positive comments. I thought it was awful, the character Jason is playing is such a farce, its unbearable to watch


t1_j62uk1o wrote

if I thought "Scrubs" was a "guy show" and "HIMYM" was a "guy show", will I think that THIS is a "guy show"?

the Sepinwall review read much better than I thought:


t1_j62xll7 wrote

what do you mean by "guy show"??


t1_j6302ir wrote

is this a serious question? a show that centers the feelings, perspective and problems of guys and seems to speak to an audience of guys, for the most part.

if I called "Emily in Paris" a "girly show", would people comment "what do mean" with two question marks, lol??


t1_j644jad wrote

If nothing else those are just two of the weirdest examples to choose as "guy shows." Like sure both those shows prominently center around male main characters but they don't necessarily adhere to traditional male stereotypes and there are plenty of women who enjoy them. HIMYM especially had two main female characters that were just as prominent as any of the men. Like, presenting Scrubs as the antithesis to Emily in Paris is truly insane lol. If you said Sons of Anarchy or 24 or something maybe. Or Home Improvement or The League if you're limiting it to sitcoms.


t1_j632r2p wrote

> a show that centers the feelings, perspective and problems of guys and seems to speak to an audience of guys, for the most part.

and this is something that like... matters? who cares if it's a "guy show" or "girly show"?