Jumalauta73 t1_ja2bcnn wrote
Learn from your mistakes and get on with your life.
Orphylia t1_ja2bcsw wrote
This is probably me reading too much into this, but kinda weird the only thing you thought worth mentioning about this girl you supposedly started having feelings for again is that she's hot...
You should feel like an asshole. Because what I'm getting from this is that you were most likely emotionally cheating on your first girlfriend, since you broke up with her explicitly to date someone else. Idk, maybe I'm just overreacting or just not coming up with the right phrase for it, but I don't know what else to call it.
NxPat t1_ja2bdzu wrote
Spare her the trauma of being around you.
jakoboi_ t1_ja2bpkb wrote
how old are you?
Skyheart42 t1_ja2c2b9 wrote
To be brutally honest, it sounds to me like you haven't figured out what you even want in a partner yet.
Being single for awhile while also working on yourself and learning what you really desire is probably going to be one of the healthier things you can do long term.
Don't be afraid to be alone, be afraid of being stuck in a relationship with a person you end up not actually liking
Rickk020 t1_ja2c68a wrote
Emotionally cheating? So thinking about someone else is cheating? Everybody does that
j4rj4r t1_ja2cniv wrote
You're too immature for anything serious. Move on - have fun for a few years until you're mature enough for a relationship
Alarmed_Material_481 t1_ja2csra wrote
She's probably moved on.
Orphylia t1_ja2cw2w wrote
I mean.
The only thing worth mentioning about the first girl was that she was hot, apparently. OP literally made a point of pointing out that this other girl is not as hot as the first girl without a single other mention of issues with the first girl or their relationship, but their attractiveness is apparently the one thing worth noting about either of them in OP's eyes, so Idk what else to assume other than it being some kind of emotional attachment to the other girl that drove him to break up with the first. Like I said, emotional cheating may very well not be the exact term, but in the moment I couldn't think of something that conveyed the issue better.
Bob_Boss t1_ja2d84n wrote
Take your meds
linerva t1_ja2e58u wrote
You are too immature to date. Given the only think you things- worth mentioning about wither of these women is how hot you found them, you dint really deserve to date either.
If you broke up with hurl 1 to be with girl 2? She was not for you. If you loved or respected her at the time, then you would not have so easily run after another woman.
You fix this by leaving both women alone and working on yourself before you inflict yourself on the next woman. Treating people you date as if they are shoes that you are comparing or trying on for size is not ok.
You dumped girl 1 a year ago. She's probably long over you and us likely dating someone else. She certainly wont be happy with you knowing that you dumped her for another woman. Sorry but that's not the kind if thing a relationship can come back from.
Dez2011 t1_ja2e85g wrote
You treated girl 1 really badly for a very shallow reason. "I'm dumping you right before Valentine's Day for another girl." You should feel like an ass because you were one. The fact that you don't see how hurt and pissed she'll be and think you can go right back and say "my bad" shows you haven't matured or thought about how your actions have consequences for others and yourself. Accept the consequences that you blew it and learn from that so you don't do it again.
mama-toast t1_ja2e8ez wrote
It sounds like you're 14.
linerva t1_ja2eaf4 wrote
He didn't just think about someone else. He indulged a crush on firm 2 to the point where he decided he had to date her. He was obsessed with her to the point he dumped girl 1 to explore and date girl 2. And clearly it was a stupid decision and they were incompatible since they broke up a week later.
That is not appropriate behaviour in a relationship.
helath_is_depleting t1_ja2ev2m wrote
Fix it by growing up and stop being shallow. Sound like perhaps you're not ready for serious relationships yer
eyeguess0422 t1_ja2f4i0 wrote
Go your own way man. Leave her alone. You fucked shit up once.
If you were really interested in Girl 1 you would have never entertained Girl 2
douchelicker69 t1_ja2fc94 wrote
The best relationship advice I could give you is "the grass is greener where you water it". If you're looking over the fence all the time you will fuck up every relationship you're ever in and burn more girls like you already have.
For a lot of failed relationships the problem is not that you're with the wrong person but that one or both of you have stopped investing in each other.
rayndance89 t1_ja2ffqj wrote
If what you're saying is true, and you do have 'feelings' for this person, perhaps stop thinking about your 'feelings' and stop and think about theirs? Would contacting her benefit her or you? And in what way? Are you telling yourself that by being back in her life, that you could somehow improve it? Seems a little pretentious if so.
Also, why is attractiveness mentioned here at all?
A year? Do you think interrupting whatever she has going on right now is right for her?
DHaas16 t1_ja2fjvo wrote
vinny876 t1_ja2frpu wrote
Sounds like they both dodged a bullet...
Shinrahunter t1_ja2gndm wrote
Best out of it tbh. You've not mentioned any issues with girl 1 and you left her to be with girl 2, which means you didn't want to be with her.
You're probably looking back and only remembering the good things rather than why you wanted to leave her.
Goatbreath37 t1_ja2gs09 wrote
What's with all these karma farmy, copypasta tifus lately?
Accomplished_Age3639 t1_ja2jwnb wrote
He can try to get together with girl 1 if they both agree. He said he does acknowledge he made a mistake. There is a big chance he learned something from it. Don’t be to harsh with this person, it’s never only black or white.
travisthemonkey t1_ja2kin0 wrote
Watching my brother get his leg blown off is trauma. That guys just an ass
mistfei t1_ja2l0au wrote
There are varying levels of trauma my friend - being emotionally manipulated by an asshole being one of them
BuzzMaximus t1_ja2l6pd wrote
Of all the dickest moves you could make this was the dickest of dick moves, seriously you'll be lucky if girl 1 doesn't get all her male friends to take turns kicking you in the nads. Just leave girl 1 alone and grow up.
Sea-Arachnid-9985 t1_ja2lek7 wrote
You didn’t overreact
Sea-Arachnid-9985 t1_ja2li79 wrote
Sounds like he is 16
TFOLLT t1_ja2lxu7 wrote
You don't fix this. You made a mistake, and you have to accept and deal with the outcome of you ending all alone. If girl 1 has a little self-respect, she'll never take you back, and rightly so. And if you don't want to be an asshole, you'll spare her your arguments and your presence. An apology might be appreciated, but don't go ANY further than that, because any follow-up of 'I want to be with you again' will completely destroy your apology. But I think it's better to immediatly completely remove yourself from her life.
Move on. You're a young man; if you wanna be a real man start acting like it. Move on, improve yourself, and try again in a couple of years.
Cheese_B0t t1_ja2njoy wrote
So you're into gatekeeping trauma?
Cheese_B0t t1_ja2nsn4 wrote
You sound really immature. (not having a go, just, that's my perception of you rn)
There are more important things than looks, which fade.
Sounds like you got tempted away by something new and when that didn't work out (a whole week later) now you want your pretty girl back.
I hope she has already moved on.
You do not deserve a loving partner with this attitude toward women.
odd_avokaydo t1_ja2p37g wrote
Yeah, you f'd up. She's moved onto someone with an actual personality. Leave her alone. Work on yourself.
SumonaFlorence t1_ja2qkhf wrote
Environmental-Care-6 t1_ja2qw75 wrote
Everyone does not do that. Especially when they are in a relationship
EngineeringForWhat t1_ja2tyaz wrote
Spare her man. Even if she got back with you, you already left once and for the worst reason possible. You decided you'd rather be with someone else which im sure made her feel less than. She'd always wonder when it'll happen again.
MrSpaceCool t1_ja2u21r wrote
OP you are so shallow focusing on people’s appearances. I’m glad for girl 1 dodging a bullet from you!
[deleted] OP t1_ja2urfv wrote
Throwaway7387272 t1_ja2v5cv wrote
This could be sold on shirts
Cheese_B0t t1_ja2vgmx wrote
and end up on r/TargetedShirts
Cheese_B0t t1_ja2vkjc wrote
Don't fret, I'm untriggered. Simply being in some peoples presence can be traumatic tho.
Browneyedgirl63 t1_ja2vwmf wrote
And he broke up with her ON Valentine’s Day for something that lasted a week. She’s not gonna forget that.
Browneyedgirl63 t1_ja2w4ng wrote
Not right before, ON Valentine’s Day.
[deleted] OP t1_ja2wfkh wrote
Foxrex t1_ja2y0tu wrote
Awe. Everyone look at the victim. Feel sorry for them.
jjonez18 t1_ja2z8z1 wrote
Dude, you're just horny. You don't have feelings.
fredsam25 t1_ja2zia8 wrote
Don't listen to these other people. You are plenty mature. You deserve to be with the "hot" girl. Step one to getting her back is to make her jealous but also prove to her you've grown up. Date her brother, and it'll make you irresistible to her.
Zenthils t1_ja30jrm wrote
You're a self diagnosed asshole too it seems, eh?
travisthemonkey t1_ja3198i wrote
Look at all the triggered kids. Obviously I am.
l0u1s11 t1_ja31wri wrote
You can't. You left girl 1 for girl 2. Who says you won't leave girl 1 again for girl 3 or 4 or 5...
Zenthils t1_ja32h4q wrote
Don't you have to be somewhere? Like helping your brother out of his chair or something?
travisthemonkey t1_ja33iw2 wrote
Nah he took his life in 2019. The VA is a joke
[deleted] OP t1_ja33t86 wrote
Dez2011 t1_ja340az wrote
He's telling the story from his point of view, and admits to being an asshole. It's not like we're only hearing the girl's side of the story and he was really a great guy and treated women well.
someawfulbitch t1_ja34nlk wrote
You don't. You hold onto the bad feelings you have right now, realize that you earned them, learn from them, and move on, hopefully smarter. You don't deserve girl one or two. You probably don't deserve anyone right now. It sounds like you need time to figure your shit out, so that's what you should do.
beerscotch t1_ja36f2h wrote
He's not the only arse here.
travisthemonkey t1_ja37hsw wrote
Yea me as well see the chain
Zenthils t1_ja37ib0 wrote
Maybe you should go in therapy and process that then! Instead of being edgy on the web. Just a thought!
[deleted] OP t1_ja37q5g wrote
BreakingBad2014 t1_ja37qdd wrote
Now all of reddit knows you for the shallow asshole you are.
SweetPeaRiaing t1_ja389t3 wrote
Don’t reach out to here. This is a part of life- you fuck up, you move on, and you learn from that mistake. Just because the first girl was hot doesn’t mean it would work out, especially now that you dumped her for a frivolous reason. I doubt she would trust you again. Just date some other women and stop looking at “this girl is more or less attractive than that girl.” Women are human being, and dating is about finding someone to share life with. Look for someone who’ve values, lifestyle, and goal for the future is compatible to you and make sure you have at least one or two hobbies in common with them. Then treat them with respect. Attraction matters, but it is far from everything.
eyeguess0422 t1_ja38q2h wrote
Even better
upsol7 t1_ja396yd wrote
"You get what you deserve." Does that ring a bell? 'You made your own bed...', '...you chose this path?'
dontlookback76 t1_ja39mlb wrote
Just leave her alone man. I know it's hard but you dumped her for someone else on the "love" holiday and are now coming back like she's a consolation prize. You may not think of it like that, and you probably don't intend it to be like that, but those are the optics.
Jacqtjakaa t1_ja39xyb wrote
Move on you thought the grass was greener but it wasn't she dodged a bullet
limlwl t1_ja39zml wrote
She sure dodge a massive bullet. Good on her.
theonlyonethatknocks t1_ja3a5c1 wrote
What a dumb statement
travisthemonkey t1_ja3alqk wrote
PralinePerfect8434 t1_ja3b9t3 wrote
and why is it important to mention how attractive girl 1/2 are? leave her alone please
StoopidDingus69 t1_ja3er24 wrote
Wow dude stop being a dick to this guy he’s obviously having a hard time. You really need to feel morally superior to someone that’s freaking out? Talking about being sensitive to people’s trauma while simultaneously being completely insensitive to someone’s trauma. That wheelchair joke you made was incredibly fucked up, be a better person
ShadowStriker53 t1_ja3euqe wrote
If you do that just break up, I did too and felt bad about it so I broke up in the nicest way possible
3kids_nomoney t1_ja3ffgv wrote
Leave her alone.
redzaku0079 t1_ja3fu63 wrote
just don't contact her. you felt the need to break up with girl 1 for whatever reason. at that time, she was not worth your time. what makes her worth your time now? what has changed with you or her? what reason would she have to take you back? let's say she actually does take you back for some reason, what assurance does she have that you won't leave her again? even if in your head, you can provide a positive reason to all of these questions, she has absolutely no obligation to take you back. why take back someone who hurt her? nah dude. you need to move on.
mix_t_motion32 t1_ja3hd25 wrote
Here’s the issue. You didn’t fuck UP, you fucked DOWN.
The fact you admitted to splitting with the hottie for no reason to try and get with a duck. Like what?! Bro, I’m out here with no ladies and just ONE hottie is all a brotha is asking for.
Sounds like your curiosity is heavy coming into the dating world. Which is cool. Just stay single until you know you wanna do that ONE thing with that ONE person. Stop going out and emotionally and mentally damaging people. You aren’t any better than a rapist at that point.
Garmgarmgarmgarm t1_ja3houz wrote
It was probably traumatic for the children of iraq and afganistan when you volunteered to occupy their country too.
[deleted] OP t1_ja3hwfg wrote
travisthemonkey t1_ja3iivu wrote
You better believe it. So sad.
PollutionHoliday2235 t1_ja3ioj4 wrote
It sounds like you were cheating on girl 1 and you don't deserve to be with her. Leave that poor girl alone
[deleted] OP t1_ja3m6hc wrote
potsandpans28 t1_ja3nfti wrote
idk why u were downvoted, I stand with you and your brother
potsandpans28 t1_ja3nko0 wrote
right bro? these people are fucking sick in the head.
linerva t1_ja3ob4p wrote
But you don't understand. He's lonely and she's prettier than girm number 2!
I agree. He's put no thought into her feelings. He simply doesn't have a right to approach her again after the stunt he pulled.
If a man broke up with me on valentines day to go fuck done other woman, he's be dead to me. And if he came back a tear later to ask to try again, I'd tell him to go fuck himself in the most explicit language.
He's probably the last man on earth that girl 1 wants to see again.
linerva t1_ja3p0i4 wrote
He dumped her for another girl on valentine's day. 99% of people would want nothing to do with Him after that.
Sure, he realises he fucked up. But this isnt Hollywood. In real life, regretting that you were cruel or stupid doesnt magically make it OK or win you the girl. In real life? When you fuck up? You normally dont get to try again.
It's been a year. I guarantee she will almost certainly be either sewing slmeone else or wanting nothing to do with him.
jakoboi_ t1_ja3p4q5 wrote
I was gonna guess 14 at most
phunkydroid t1_ja3px4l wrote
It would be a bad decision for her to get back with you after you dumped her for someone else. Spare her the drama of having to reject you.
publicanofbatch20 t1_ja3q1p9 wrote
We got the trauma instead by reading this
itsjust_casssssssio t1_ja3q9ht wrote
Never speak to any woman that isn’t related to you in nonprofessional capacity ever again. No woman deserves this treatment. You’re an asshole.
commandrix t1_ja3qna0 wrote
I don't think the situation is recoverable, to be honest. You broke up with her on Valentine's Day specifically so you could date someone else, and now you want to get back with her now that the other relationship didn't work out. That's not a sign that you're ready for a long-term, stable relationship, let alone trying to rekindle things with an ex. Let it drop, learn your lesson, move on.
x_a_man_duh_x t1_ja3ri7i wrote
you don’t, leave her alone
Topinambourg t1_ja3ry7o wrote
Least year? Huh
ripnbryy t1_ja3sv06 wrote
deal with your actions
Asynjacutie t1_ja3t31x wrote
Probably closer to 12 actually
ryux999 t1_ja3u1sx wrote
im guessing you’re still in high school so I would follow everyones advice and avoid any girls
jmodshelp t1_ja3uulw wrote
Your brother ain't standing bro.
fiefthetrashpanda t1_ja3uz94 wrote
Leave the girl you broke up with alone. She should be a priority not an option and you are definitely treating her as an option.
You should feel lik te a$$hole, because in this situation you are the a$$hole.
AggravatingHoneydew9 t1_ja3wrx0 wrote
Work on yourself before dating anybody, you’re too emotionally immature.
[deleted] OP t1_ja3x4be wrote
DwigtGroot t1_ja3xpvp wrote
Seriously, just leave her alone.
NihilismMattersToo t1_ja3xtzm wrote
No way I bet 10
dezie1224 t1_ja3xyir wrote
You don’t have feelings for your original girlfriend. You just want her again because now you have nobody - as you deserve. If girl #3 walked through the doors, you’d break up with your original girlfriend all over again. Grow up and leave her alone - she’s better off without an asshat like you in her life.
StoopidDingus69 t1_ja3ztrw wrote
Head very far up their own ass its just comical the sense of self importance and moral grandiosity people have, preaching tolerance while literally making jokes to someone about their brother being in a wheel chair, and then I get downvoted for pointing it out 😅 come on ppl! Just imagine if you watched your brother get blown up and then he killed himself… would you be a balanced rational person??? Or maybe you’d be fucked up and need some empathy???
Hexatorium t1_ja3zy8j wrote
If this was r/aita you’d be the biggest A-hole I’ve ever seen. Spare her the trouble and stay out of her life.
PiecesofJane t1_ja41qhm wrote
The fact that the only way you're comparing them is by how attractive they are speaks volumes. Leave girl 1 alone. She deserves much better.
Before you try dating ANYONE, work on becoming a better person. One who describes women by more than just their looks. What are YOU bringing to the table? Right now it doesn't sound like much.
MacerationMacy t1_ja41w9m wrote
Is “girl 1” gender and age?
SkyAuraMan t1_ja426st wrote
You’re a piece of shit lmaoo
4_Legged_Duck t1_ja43nlo wrote
> I broke up with a very attractive woman (girl 1) so I could be with a different less attractive woman.
You need to be single for a while. Watch a little less porn and just focus on yourself. Figure out how to mature, how to value a woman for who she is, not how she looks. (Yes, being attracted to someone is important in a relationship. But, you seem fixated on this.) If you contact Girl 1, she'll be mad at you. If she isn't mad and you date her, you'll be immature and break her heart. If you go find a different gf, you'll break her heart too.
You need to become less of an AH inside. You're likely confused on what "feelings" are. We can develop unhealthy, unrealistic, and problematic "attachments" that aren't the same as feelings. We can miss someone physically and sexually but it not be any deeper. Until you've come to learn what these are... you'll cause a lot of problems. People get love mixed up a lot.
And at the end of the day, the way most people learn is by being shitty for a while and then maturing. But the goal is to be as least shitty as you can be. And you wanna know the hardest truth I ever learned?
Once you screw it up, it's nearly impossible to screw it down. You can't put the toothpaste back in the bottle. So learn young and be kind.
AcrobaticSource3 t1_ja43veg wrote
I’m willing to bet 8
moosigirl t1_ja46otb wrote
How flattering to have two broken down relationships boiled down to your partner's relative attractiveness...
gbctilmylungscollaps t1_ja49383 wrote
Are U like, 14? Jeez man. Stay single
travisthemonkey t1_ja4abye wrote
Nope he’s dead
Successlessness42 t1_ja4acnz wrote
You gotta be in middle school.
travisthemonkey t1_ja4at4f wrote
This is Reddit, where everyone is overly sensitive and a downvote means someone is salty. Downvotes only serve as a confirmation that cry babies love to cry.
NukaDadd t1_ja4b4d8 wrote
Do I hear 6? Going once... going twice...Sold!
degenerate_pug t1_ja4cz59 wrote
Dude. You broke it off with 1 so you could be with 2. How much of a scumbag do you have to be to even think 1 would take you back? Point is, you shot yourself in the foot the moment you even entertained the thought of ending things with 1. God. How is it possible to have better insight on dating then somebody who dated 2 women, when I myself have never dated?
AAActive64 t1_ja4dojm wrote
I'm going 4 1/2
Innsmouthshuffle t1_ja4fp24 wrote
Don’t worry OP, your hand will never leave you (unless you hang out with Travis, I guess)
UnquantifiableLife t1_ja4h1r9 wrote
You can't and she's better off without you. Leave her alone.
PromNyteDumpsterBby t1_ja4h45m wrote
That one downvote you have came from me. Your comment was offensive to babies. We don't all love to cry 😭
Sometimes we're hungry.
Sometimes we gotta fart.
Sometimes we just don't want you to sleep 🤷
[deleted] OP t1_ja4h719 wrote
travisthemonkey t1_ja4h8su wrote
PromNyteDumpsterBby t1_ja4herm wrote
Oooof. Shots fired!
And they hit 😆
travisthemonkey t1_ja4hf16 wrote
Couldnt*. Could implies you still have something left to care about. Idgaf is a lot easier to say if your confused next time.
PromNyteDumpsterBby t1_ja4i4tr wrote
Yeah, she's gone dude. All you're gonna do is get embarrassed if you try to get her back.
And don't break up with someone on a holiday unless they're a terrible person. If a bad enough thing happens to someone around a holiday, the holiday will trigger the memory forever. I'm not saying nobody deserves that, but yeah. Dick move.
PromNyteDumpsterBby t1_ja4ib4e wrote
Too old.
That's not a pedobear reference. I'm a baby 😉
Arvidex t1_ja4klf0 wrote
You don’t. Give up and move on.
DameRedbush t1_ja4kr2k wrote
You sound like a piece of shit. Do them all a favor and don’t contact either of them.
dewayneestes t1_ja4kt2v wrote
You’re an asshole who has learned a valuable lesson (I hope). You move on with your life a bit wiser. Leave both those girls alone as they’re clearly out of your league.
allergictosomenuts t1_ja4ljxq wrote
eelam_garek t1_ja4mhlx wrote
Broke up with a girl on valentines? Dude. Way to ruin the most romantic day of the year for her. Also the only defining quality you list is, "she's hot". I hope she avoids you like the plague - she'll be happier for it.
potsandpans28 t1_ja4nmgv wrote
haha so funny handicapped man
electricvelvet t1_ja4nrw9 wrote
This guys probably 14 lol
apextek t1_ja4nuyd wrote
grow the fuck up and stop being a selfish bitch. Playing with other people's feelings to get extra gratification for yourself shows you are selfish and don't care about the people you get into relationships with.
Might as well be straight up up front and say Im a serial cheater I'm only looking for hookups and have no ability to truly commit.
ForstalDave t1_ja4odmd wrote
Everything you wrote points at you just being an asshole. Girl 1 and 2 deserve better
apextek t1_ja4og95 wrote
yeah karmas a bitch, I treated people like that, and then a bunch of people I cared about died on the important days of the year so I can constantly remorse about my bad decisions from spending my 20s being a shallow insensitive prick.
Atillion t1_ja4prfe wrote
Leave her alone dude.
HoffyMan01 t1_ja4rf5g wrote
Step 1: grow up
NoSnoFlakes_- t1_ja4u4om wrote
Look…Valentines day has been taken over by corporate greed so any money you spend on Valentines day just goes straight into their pockets. If you’re not feeling it with someone, rip the bandaid off and find you someone your style. We all have preferences for a reason. ;)
IIIII_IIIII_IIIII t1_ja4uol8 wrote
Women are more than their looks. This post shows a lot about you. 🤣
magikspl t1_ja4zb4n wrote
You can't be with anyone until you mature.
iamheathermariee t1_ja51efw wrote
Why do people wait for Valentine’s Day to break up with you? That’s the question I really want to know. I’ve been broken up with on Valentine’s Day twice in my life lol!
chamberofcoal t1_ja51xdi wrote
read the first sentence and realized you're a rotten piece of shit. nobody is going to tell you it's okay. wallow in your guilt, fucker.
Londonforce t1_ja53w40 wrote
You fix it by realizing you hurt people for no reason, and you mature to the level where you can watch your ex be happy because she's with a better man.
If it makes you feel any better, she has almost certainly found a better quality partner by now, or would be able to without much trouble when she wants, so her happiness of not being with you is virtually guaranteed.
dartron5000 t1_ja54bx1 wrote
If girl 1 has any self respect she doesn't want to hear from you ever again.
fr0z3nf1r3 t1_ja5585r wrote
You sound like you suck for multiple reasons lmfao just work on being less of a self centered douche and maybe girl 3 will come along and actually like you.
KayDashO t1_ja55kfn wrote
Breaking up with somebody on Valentine’s Day is just intentionally cruel. You had the day before it, or the day after, but you chose THE day. Leave her alone now.
Epcplayer t1_ja583ne wrote
> As a young man that is new into the dating category, HOW DO I FIX THIS? I feal like an absolute A$$ hole for what I did.
The thing you’re missing in this post (which is very telling by the way) is the reason why you broke up with Girl 1. As someone who’s also broken up with an attractive girl, I never had a “Fallback Plan” lined up…
I broke up with her because she didn’t want to spend time, when she did she was consistently late, the only time she consistently showed up was when my parents were visiting (to make it seem as though things were fine), she would make jokes about me in front of friends “as jokes”, she would find time to go out with friends but not with me, and she was telling people that I’d be looking for a new GF soon if I didn’t propose to her (despite the previous issues). I decided that it wasn’t worth the hassle, and that if she wanted to get back together, she would have to apologize and fix those issues…
Since I was dating a cute girl, many would approach me or message me and try to flirt. Some girls (not all) use this as a form of validation or attention seeking, and say that if she “can get” the guy with the cute girl, then she’s on par with that cute girl. I had the common sense not to take that bait, because I was all in on my current relationship.
If you didn’t have a long list of issues in the relationship, and you only wanted to “pad your count”, then yea you’re kinda the asshole. You need to recognize that and prevent it in the future.
Tuga_Lissabon t1_ja5931e wrote
OP, leaving her on Valentine's was a real dick move. You fucked up, and your current feelings are deserved karma.
I'll add how you made sure to add "less attractive", btw. The whole story did not need that qualifier.
What this makes me feel is you haven't found another girl at that level and are feeling it. Its attraction and regret, nothing more, and that girl is well rid of you.
Move on and try not to be as shitty next time.
donnadeisogni t1_ja5i99o wrote
Girl 1 would be stupid to take you back.
muttmunchies t1_ja5kplw wrote
You fucked up. Take the L and move on and better yourself- you sound toxic and clueless.
kechones t1_ja62m3c wrote
Get over them both and leave them alone forever.
Find a hobby. Foster positive friendships. Read a book. Travel somewhere you’ve never been before. Just stop doing whatever this thing you’re doing right now is.
NattySocks t1_ja6936b wrote
I feel inclined to cut him some slack since he is most likely in middle school.
tropicsGold t1_ja6kl13 wrote
Wow what is up with all the hate?! The dude broke up with a girl, there is nothing wrong with that. What do you want him to do, do you think he should be forced to stay with her out of some crazy obligation? Now he has changed his mind, he can give it a shot. She may not be interested but maybe she will be.
Verbose_Cactus t1_ja6nofu wrote
What a great quote! I’ve never heard that before. Thanks for sharing
Cejduffy t1_ja7bve5 wrote
Are you a child? Just don’t date until you’re at least 18 and can make actual decisions
intolerablefem t1_ja870rj wrote
You don’t. You leave her alone. You wanted to have your cake and eat it too. This blew up in your face spectacularly. Now deal with it. You aren’t owed a second chance just because you see the error in your ways. If you really liked girl 1 so much, you wouldn’t have allowed yourself to be easily distracted by girl two.
Also, seems like you only value women based on their attractiveness. Are you twelve? You don’t sound mature enough to be dating.
VolitileButterfly t1_ja88twu wrote
It’s been a year jackass, she’s moved on from dating childish man-boys like you and is probably dating the man you WANT to be someday. You’re shallow and immature and have WAAAAY too much growing up to do.
easygoinggirlie t1_ja2b1sj wrote
Cope honestly