Submitted by mistakemaker5000 t3_122wh4g in tifu

Let's start with this: I smoke weed.

I needed to scrape out the ash in a pipe with a poker. No poker was readily available, but a sharpened pencil was. My stupid stoned ass thought, hey, that's pokey enough. Scraped out bowl, loaded it again, and smoked the whole thing. Middle of playing a match of valorant, it hit me. I felt a sharp pain in my stomach, and then my entire body started heating up fast, followed by pins and needles all over as well. Then came confusion and panic. Also, my heart rate was going everywhere. I thought I was dying. It lasted for maybe a minute or two. Then went away as quickly as it came on. I was so confused and didn't realize what had caused it at first. Never making that mistake again

Please, any smokers out there, learn from my mistake, never use a pencil as a poker.

TLDR; Scraped pipe with pencil then smoked, accidentally smoking graphite, had scary bad reaction.



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ChangePresent7576 t1_jds3uva wrote

That my friend is what we call a 'ghosty / whitey'


mistakemaker5000 OP t1_jds449d wrote

I've been smoking for 11 years. Never had this happen before.


pauliewotsit t1_jdsbeif wrote

You need to smoke more then lol


mistakemaker5000 OP t1_jdvq3o8 wrote

Nah, I've smoked quite alot in my life. This was just regular bud from the medical dispo. I've had moon rocks before, which bottomed out my blood sugar, and I became dizzy and nearly passed out. I used to take dabs and use a dab pen as well. Nothing like this has ever happened before. Specifically the overheating and pins n needles.


JimmiRustle t1_jdsf197 wrote

> Middle of playing a match of valorant, it hit me. I felt a sharp pain in my stomach, and then my entire body started heating up fast, followed by pins and needles all over as well. Then came confusion and panic. Also, my heart rate was going everywhere. I thought I was dying.

Oh yeah Valorant tends have that effect on people.


mistakemaker5000 OP t1_jdvqoct wrote

Me mid whatever the fuck this was, "guys I'm feeling pretty weird, oh god" gets kill Friend: "are you okay???" Me: "idk I don't think so, I'm kinda scared" gets double kill

Still playing the game while having whatever weird reaction that was and WINNING. Truly a pro gamer move. 🤣


No_Love_1353 t1_jds50lh wrote

Pretty sure that graphite is pretty non reactive…


mistakemaker5000 OP t1_jds5xmk wrote

It's not toxic to humans when eaten or contacted with skin, but the smoke from burning it is toxic to inhale. From what I've found online*


Squigglepig52 t1_jdvar5g wrote

Use pencils all the time, never had your issue. And, there's no way you smoked enough graphite to matter, even if graphite had any effect like that.


mistakemaker5000 OP t1_jdvplb8 wrote

Then what could have caused it? Could my stuff have been laced?


Squigglepig52 t1_jdw5rgi wrote

Contaminated, maybe. Might have dislodged some tar or resin that hit your lungs wrong. Every so often when I clean my pipe I do that, and that may have been the issue. Or it could have just been an anxiety moment, just a sudden blip of bad feeling. It sometimes happens.

You aren't wrong to decide to be more careful, though.