Submitted by PleasantPhysics7982 t3_11u9ztr in tifu

I work in the hospitality industry while I'm in college. One thing they don't tell you about taking 19 hours is you get continually butt fucked in the ass for midterms and finals week. I also had to work a lot this week. I am tired...

My assistant manager is a great gal and really sticks up for us. Her catch phrase after a rude guests is a bitch to her is "too bad so sad" in this child voice, it's hilarious. She only does it after the guest is far farrr enough away to not hear

Anyways, I'm working alone and everything is sold out, a guy comes in saying he's a shiny member aka he's really high up on our rewards program. He says he wants a room thru points tonight to which I tell him we are all booked up. He gets kinda upset saying we are the only one our brand in town and he wanted a free night. He goes on and on about how his family is exhausted in the car out and all this stuff to try to get us to budge which I genuinely cant. Deffo not a Karen but definitely a sad sight

I don't know why I said this, it just rolled out and I go "to bad so sad". I immediately apologize saying I'm tired and don't know where I came from. I tell him I can't offer him a room but I can deposit points into your account for my outburst. He says we will hear from him and walks out

I call my assistant manager to which she says to definitely not do that, try to get more sleep, and sends a message out to groupchat to watch our words.

I feel defeated. Don't let your intrusive thoughts win at work

TL;DR told a customer "to bad so sad" to his complaint



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beefjerkyandcheetos t1_jcn5sq1 wrote

Well, once a regular customer that I joked with asked me how I was doing. It was very busy and overwhelming and I said “it’s crazy… but I haven’t killed myself yet”

The man’s son killed himself about 2 years prior. I remember when it happened. I don’t know why that came out of my mouth.

I also had two old ladies at my register and I was locating their med bag from the bottom rack, so I was kneeled down. she said “the world would be a much better place if more people were on their knees” I said “…oh! Yeah, well I would probably make a lot more money that way” and she said “…TO PRAY!”


Does this mean anything to you? No. But at least you’re not a dumbass like me. It is too bad so sad for him. I hate people who keep saying the same thing and expecting the answer to change. Sure, you’re supposed to be able to withstand all kinds of shit in retail. Abuse, humiliation:.. but you did a very minor thing that you apologized for. You’re good ppl. It’ll be ok. We live we learn and sometimes all the knowledge in the world doesn’t prevent things like this from happening.


Annaliseplasko t1_jco5f8n wrote

Those old ladies sound insufferable and I think your comment to them was hilarious.


AcrobaticSource3 t1_jcnn241 wrote

> butt fucked in the ass

To be fair, where else would you be butt fucked?


SubstantialEase567 t1_jcn77kv wrote

The great part is you will still cringe, at times, a half century from now you'll remember. Brains seem to cling to the cringe.


FelixVulgaris t1_jcn5jj2 wrote

How exactly does someone bad so sad?


Alternate_DM t1_jcn658b wrote

'Too bad, so sad' is a common phrase.

Similar to 'toughen up', 'stop whining', 'get over it', etc.


FelixVulgaris t1_jcqkb58 wrote

Right, but that's not what OP posted


Alternate_DM t1_jcs2lmf wrote

Not to the letter, no, but using contextual clues and critical thinking, I can identify the OP's intent, and I translated it to the correct spelling and grammar so that you would understand.

You seem to have forgotten that not everyone on the internet writes perfect english... not even me.

But then again, maybe I'm wrong, and the OP can step in if they so choose.


VStramennio1986 t1_jd5e9j2 wrote

I worked for Cingular when I was much younger. We had just switched over our system from TDMI to SIM cards (this was when camera phones had literally just come out). This customer came in wanting to activate a phone that I literally could not activate for him. He was becoming more and more upset, the more he got told that it simply wasn’t possible. He then says something ridiculously rude, and I looked him square in the eye and suggested he go to Verizon, then.