Submitted by HauntingAd990 t3_121jtpq in tifu

I'm a 18 year old guy who is completely new to the world of age regression and I'm not quite sure how to go about learning more about it, since the information i do have isnt enough and google is to general to help


Here's the situation; I was talking to someone who age regresses regularly and although we're friends now, back when we dated they used to age regress around me so I asked them if they had any romantic feelings for them since I thought you had to have a extraordinary close bond with someone to do that.


They in turn rightfully got upset and told me that they were disgusted and that they saw them as a father figure and are upset with me


I feel terrible as I had no malicious intentions with asking and I am just genuinely curious about learning more. I would love if anyone who reads this and has knowledge would send me good information on how I can understand age regression better and explain to me what exactly the relationships of the little and the caregiver work and what are the precise dos and don'ts


I want to clarify I'm not one of their caregivers and I wouldn't make a good one considering I dont understand it and would probably hurt them in some way. I just regret asking.


TL;DR: I'm a dumbass who mistakenly thought people who age regress only age regress around people they have romantic feelings for

And when I asked someone who does age regress if they had romantic feelings for their current caregiver I was told off for it justifiably



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Squigglepig52 t1_jdmbg8m wrote

I have serious doubts about people who claim to regress to "littles". Seems a bit too cutesy for an actual disorder.


specialagentunicorn t1_jdnsz9z wrote

It is not considered as a disorder as per the DSM. Age regression can be an aspect of trauma or DID or other disorders, but not in the context that OP has described. It is not a regression of a few years (as typical with children experiencing regression in response to something) and is done by choice as opposed to DID which is outside of the person’s control. The real difference is voluntary vs involuntary. Voluntary can be used as a means or relaxation or other things- but it is of one’s volition to engage in it.

They are engaging in regression- they are not ‘unable’ to behave otherwise.


HauntingAd990 OP t1_jdnmplk wrote

im not sure about that, i know its real. i just dont understand it all fully yet


Squigglepig52 t1_jdnxgmp wrote

It's not an actual disorder. It's pretty much just a way of acting.


specialagentunicorn t1_jdns8ik wrote

So- age regression can be a trauma response or something used in the context of therapeutic approaches to address past trauma (as in, with a therapist trained in the technique, although the use of this practice can be debated). People and more specifically kids with sometimes regress in response to big events (like their main care giver going back to work, moving houses, etc). The lay practice of engaging in this activity could have a wide array of rationale and implications. If this person is utilizing this as a coping technique at will (meaning there are choosing to engage in it) and not ‘stuck’ in this state regardless of environment or circumstance (meaning they would do it at work or in the grocery store, at home) then it could be that they are choosing times to engage in this activity.

People can essentially do what they want when they want (within the parameters of the law)- however, one could reasonably argue that when one chooses to engage in this behavior it should be so with regard to their environment and those around them. Others are not obligated to indulge the behavior (even if it is reportedly a coping behavior). Expecting others around you to completely understand and interact with the behavior is unacceptable unless otherwise, beforehand mutually agreed. (Additionally, there are other reasons to engage in this behavior which would not include coping, which could be in violation of someone else’s autonomy).

We are not islands and cannot reasonably expect others to understand and agree to engage with all behaviors we choose to utilize. Think about what if this person decided that screaming out for 5 seconds was something they liked or found useful. Okay. But they decide to do it in your living room, every 15 minutes. Would that not impact you? What if they went to the ICU and did the same behavior? It would not be okay and they would have to leave. Regardless of their personal rationale (even if it is possibly a trauma related behavior), it would not be acceptable to have them continue it in certain circumstances as it would impede on the needs of others.

In this situation, you were asking for clarity and information, they reacted. In a behavioral trend that is fairly individualized, understanding the nuances would require discussion. If someone wants you to participate in a behavior, it would be important that they discuss it with you. That being said, some questions can come across as blunt or otherwise- and should be asked before hand for clarity.

Finally, we do not have to condone or co-sign anyone’s behavioral choices- coping or otherwise. It is okay to say this doesn’t work for me. And it’s okay for them to say I don’t like you or I think you’re being this or that. It really all depends how much you care to get involved in this. It sounds like you like this person and because of that, you’re taking on this whole practice. But it doesn’t sound like you’re informed as to the ‘rules’ of it and therefore, leaves you little protection and understanding. So at this juncture, it would be super inappropriate to engage with it. Until and unless you not only are fully informed and agree, it should not be happening. This is fully a consent issue, full stop- regardless if it under the context of intimacy or sex or not.


Legitimate-Ask-38 t1_jdm9w0g wrote

You didn't mean to hurt their feelings. Write them a letter explaining everything


HauntingAd990 OP t1_jdnmy27 wrote

i did, but i dont think its good enough as an apology. i apparently deeply offended them since the word choice used was "I've never been more disgusted"


andrewta t1_jdnqx4q wrote

To me that is seriously immature of anyone for someone to have never been more disgusted.

But that’s just me