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t1_irwwxcd wrote

You weren't rude op, you just misunderstood that old man. He was the rude one here. Also, him shoving/touching you without your permission was absolutely not okay!


t1_irwxboe wrote

To be fair, no matter what you said, man’s shouldn’t of had his hands on you; that’s like antagonizing as fuck


t1_iry0y56 wrote

I'm pretty sure its also technically Assault



t1_irybu0c wrote

It is. Putting a hand or hands on another person without their consent is assault in the eyes of the law. The only time it's okay is if you're touching them to attempt to save them (CPR isn't assault even if you don't have prior consent, for obvious reasons) and of course when in a crowd for example, your hand brushing someone's elbow isn't enough to be classed as assault as it is more than likely an accidental act.


t1_irwtltt wrote

You weren’t the rude one


t1_irww042 wrote

I think I'm the rude one in this situation even if I didn't mean it and should have asked him to clarify what he said so this awkward situation wouldn't have started to begin with.


t1_irwxpqm wrote

The fact that some other stranger came to check on you tells me that not only were you not rude, but that you were more than likely rudely treated by that old guy. Be careful and don't take any shit.

Edited because I got the sub wrong.


t1_irx4sp7 wrote

Could it be that those seats are preferably for the elder, pregnant or physically impaired people?

In my country, usually the first seats have priority for people with different conditions just because they are closer to the driver or the exits in case they need help.


t1_irx61do wrote

No the physically impaired seats were in front of me so that was why I was so confused and they were also free.


t1_irypq2h wrote

> he said to me and my friend “are you groot men?”

The only proper response: “I AM GROOT!!!”


t1_is00eng wrote

The old man sounds like a bully. As in, he targeted you and fucked with you, because that's what bullies do. I'm 95% certain he would've done the same things even if you immediately understood and gave him the seat.

It seems like you'll regret your actions either way, but sometimes shit just happens. There's no perfect path through life, even if every move you make is flawless.


t1_is19hbv wrote

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