Submitted by thefuckouttaherelol4 t3_ydmbgg in tifu

So my kid's mom and I are separated, but we still get along, are friends, whatever.

I went over her house to take a nap.

Kid's mom says hey, hope all is well, and leaves to hang with her friends or whatever.

I wake up from my nap, figure I shouldn't over-extend my stay, and go back to my own apartment.

Fall asleep again.

Mid-way through sleeping at my own apartment, I hear at my door a little tap-tap-tap... tap-tap-tap...

I almost didn't answer because I thought maybe someone was checking to see if I was home and casing my apartment for a break-in, but I relent, open the door, and...


With tears running down their face and seemingly coming from their very soul, "You and mommy... forgot... about me!!! waaaaaahhhh!"

Thank goodness I lived in the same apartment complex as my ex, because it was like 9:30 PM in the middle of winter, so very much already dark outside.

After some frantic calls to my ex to figure out what happened, it turns out she wasn't aware that I was so sleepy when she had left. Apparently my ex had explained while I was in my half-awake state that our kid was home and I allegedly agreed to watch them or take them back with me if I left. I mean... I believe her, but of course remember none of this, even to this day.

I then had to hear for the next few years from my kid how sad they were that we "forgot about [them]". Uh no we just didn't communicate well, but glad it turned out all right and CPS didn't have to get involved.

tl;dr: Went over my ex's to sleep. Went back to my apartment. Turns out my toddler was at my ex's and thought we tried to abandon them for years after that.



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Chernobyl_And_I t1_itvbnoi wrote

Core memory unlocked


TheW83 t1_itw5ia5 wrote

Indeed. I was there when my daughter got her first core memory. We were walking along the road in my neighborhood and came across a squirrel who got flattened by a car. On our way back we saw crows picking at it and then a vulture came and took it away. She brought up that moment a lot over the following week and still references it to this dead. "Don't play in the road or you'll get squished like the squirrel."


gtshadow t1_itvz112 wrote

I would say this kid is lucky as hell. Now they have something to hold over your head until the day you die. They can guilt you into anything now. gif


Throupled t1_itvcvbl wrote

Damn, that sucks atleast the kid is ok. Don’t beat yourself up, I know you will anyways because I’m a dad…


felcher_650 t1_itw0ow1 wrote

Dude my girl and even my mother for that matter tell me stuff when I'm half awake that I have zero recollection of


AcrobaticSource3 t1_itxdixd wrote

How old is your kid? Can you calm their nerves with a white lie, like saying you were playing hide and seek? I normally don’t advocate lying or kids, but it might make them feel better and not feel abandoned


thefuckouttaherelol4 OP t1_itxjq0h wrote

Haha I think that would set a really bad precedent. We've talked about it since then. Several times d_d


twohedwlf t1_itvbakp wrote

I shouldn't but...LOL


BdotEscro t1_iu0w0np wrote

TRULYTRUE TRUE, I agree with you completely absolutely and I agree with your perspective


That-Maintenance-967 t1_iu4wc56 wrote

Hahaha that is funny as hell, the poor thing, he's definitely going to remember that in a "Hey dad, remember the time-" kind of way.