Submitted by Lunatic976 t3_z5712v in tifu

So... My hands are still literally shaking, LOL.

A few hours ago, I volunteered to sweep the living room of my grandma's house. I want to note that my grandma's house is a few walks away from the beach. There's gonna be a birthday party tomorrow for my aunt, who also lives there. I broomed the floor first before I used a wet floor mop. I didn't mind mopping as I didn't have anything else to do earlier.

Then, my two younger cousins, both under the age of 10 were running around the living room, disrupting what I was doing. I had to stop in between to scold them. Their older sister, a 15-year-old, was supposed to watch them but she was too busy on her phone. After a few minutes of constantly scolding them, the kids eventually stopped and rushed outside to the beach, with their sister following after them.

So there I thought I had fewer problems to think about. Turned out, I didn't notice I made a puddle in the corner of the living room that I have not mopped yet. I then accidentally stepped on it and to no surprise, I slipped. Well, I kept my balance as I was able to lean on the wall to my side, but my left arm went rogue and accidentally pushed a metal vase.

I thought it was a metal vase.

It took me a second to realize the vase I pushed was heavy and it had something inside. My heart skipped a beat. I immediately checked the vase on the floor. Note, the vase didn't break, but the lid was open. At first, I thought it was my grandfather's cremation urn, but upon reading the embossed label on the vase, it turned out to be Blackie's. Blackie was a black Labrador who passed away when I was in college. Blackie was my aunt's dog, her beloved 'son' as she is not married and has no kids.

When I checked the vase, almost half of the ashes came out and scattered on the floor. Thinking quickly, I immediately wiped the vase and tried to scrape the remaining ashes to the vase. I then gently placed it back on the side table in the corner. After that, I grabbed my mop and wiped the floor clean. It took me longer to clean the rest of the mess as the floor in the living room was tiled with white marble.

I discreetly cleaned my mop in the backyard and made sure I left no traces of the ashes. Then, I grabbed an empty can and went to the beach.

Yes, you guessed it. I scooped some sand from the beach and added it to the vase. I figured my aunt would notice the change in the weight of the vase as I know she wipes it from time to time. Then, I gave it a mix, to make sure the original ash was on top. After the whole ordeal, I cleaned myself up. The paranoia in me made me clean the mop one more time an hour after the accident. I also checked the floor and it is spotless now. I am sure no one saw me as my aunt was busy setting up the beachfront, while my uncles were fixing the lights outside.

Right now I am typing this, my aunt has not noticed yet, and I don't want her to know this because it's her birthday tomorrow. I will definitely give you guys an update, if ever. Please pray for me.

TL, DR: Accidentally spilled my aunt's pet urn, and quickly added sea sand to compensate for the weight... the day before her birthday.

Edit: grammar



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zachsnacks t1_ixumvdn wrote

As someone who has been around urns before, I would say they are not periodically checked to ensure old blackie didn't sneak out. I think you're good.


I_am_Guy_Incognito t1_ixufre1 wrote

Hey cartographer, you want to go through and proofread the story one more time. You had “mapping” down instead of “mopping.” Good luck to you though. Hopefully she’ll never know.


Lunatic976 OP t1_ixuh7a8 wrote

Thanks, will edit. English is not my first language, forgive me.


Shenanigamii t1_ixumei0 wrote

No worries on the spelling and some use of words. You did great. To aid in your english language skills, when you use a broom, we use the term "sweep" or while you are actively using the broom in the present tense, its "sweeping". When used in past tense, its "swept".

If Blackie is the dogs actual name, i would change it...that girl you mentioned might be a redditor and the amount of time spent on the phone could oust you if and when she finds this post. Change the name of the dog to "her most beloved dog" as most of us would understand that thats what the ashes are from...the dog.

Good luck OP. Enjoy your holidays and that birthday party. Dont say anything and dont act strange....act like you belong. If you act strange, people will figure something is going on.


jbarrybonds t1_ixugc9d wrote

Several times they said map instead of mop. I'm convinced they were looking for treasure when this happened.


andherewestand t1_ixuhwny wrote

Cremains are typically in a tied up plastic bag inside the urn to avoid this sort of thing happening.


Lunatic976 OP t1_ixui2ha wrote

This... I wish this was what happened, but the urn had no plastic. Not sure if my grandfather's has one though.


palegate t1_ixuj4pk wrote

As long as the sand you brought in from the beach doesn't start smelling in that there pot, you'll be fine probably.


LynxKuroneko t1_ixvinnm wrote


Ugh. What a creepy way to respond to such a situation.


SawtoothGlitch t1_ixv9tgq wrote

Just leave it and try to forget about it. Not worth telling your aunt for the anguish it might cause. Maybe something to tell your grandkids about on your deathbed…


Impressive_Fall_8043 t1_ixw7ska wrote

Ouch. As a daughter whose father who was just recently cremated and given the ashes to.... This hurt but you didn't mean it. 😩😭


MidnightSkyFlower t1_ixx0pzk wrote

Knocking it over was an unfortunate accident. But what you did afterwards was horrible and I wouldn't forgive you for that if it were me. You disposed of the spilt ashes instead of letting her try to salvage them to the best of her ability. And then you went even further and contaminated the ashes in the urn forever with sand. That's so cruel and disrespectful. And here you are "LOL"ing about it...


Verbenaplant t1_ixw8itr wrote

Take the secret to your grave. Forget it happend


Plokmijn27 t1_ixwamot wrote

at least you didnt drink it


Revocation_Of_Doubt t1_ixwiro0 wrote

Meh, it's just a dead animals ash... It's the thought that counts not the material.

Just say nothing, you did good.


Own_Bonus2482 t1_ixx42k7 wrote

idk why you're getting downvoted. It's literally just ashes. I had my father cremated and yes I hold on to the ashes but I wouldn't flip the fuck out if something happened. He's dead. And this . . was a dog. Memories and pictures matter 100x more.