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HandRailSuicide1 t1_iym1sd3 wrote

So she viewed your account and has done nothing else. Seems relatively benign to me. On social media, you’re always under constant surveillance. Only way to get around that is to delete your account

I fail to see how going scorched earth on her is warranted


ItzLeoo t1_iym1wpe wrote

Because it’s been happening for months and she refuses to tell me who’s helping her spy on me. She’s completely blocked. She’s going out of her way to check up on what I’m doing. I don’t see how that’s benign.


Tsubodai86 t1_iym2upd wrote

Spy on you through the content you post publicly. Right.


ItzLeoo t1_iym3bas wrote

She wouldn’t have found it without people sending her my posts on Instagram 🤷🏼‍♂️
