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blahbleh112233 t1_j60sjo0 wrote

That sounds great but he's still going to have to live with his parents. If he's underage, then it's a recipe for getting kicked out of the house at an early age.

I swear reddit loves doing this and telling people to file labor abuse claims with the state.


FiliaMortis t1_j60syss wrote

They’re just going to keep using him as a paycheck anyway, according to OP’s other comments. He’s not allowed by his parents to get a job since they use him for social security income, and I bet you anything that they’re going to destroy his credit by opening cards under his name.

There’s no ideal solution here, either he bears with the abuse (which this absolutely is) until he’s a legal adult or he starts standing up for himself.


blahbleh112233 t1_j60t9gi wrote

You do realize living in a home is significantly better than being literally homeless right? OP needs to cut all ties as fast as he can but doing it with zero preparation is just going to land him on the streets. But let reddit be reddit in giving utterly terrible advice


FiliaMortis t1_j60ttxx wrote

He doesn’t have to do it right this instant. Once he’s got an exit in progress, he most definitely should report his parents.


[deleted] OP t1_j60uf8g wrote



FiliaMortis t1_j60umdg wrote

Yea, I should’ve clarify that in my original comment. That one’s on me.


[deleted] OP t1_j60vsey wrote



FiliaMortis t1_j60w5cq wrote

Understandable to be honest, looking from your perspective, I’d have reacted the same way to my own comment. A lot of us get incensed by any form of injustice, and are quick to suggest seeking justice, while being incredibly short-sighted about it.

Thank you for your first comment in pointing out that my original comment was too hasty in that. We all want the OP to come out of this winning, but most importantly, safe and okay.


Letifer_Umbra t1_j60vale wrote

It sounds as if he is living alone already to me, so in that case yeah if he doesn't have a bond with them anyway who cares.


blahbleh112233 t1_j60vqht wrote

That would be a pretty unique situation considering his parents are his caretaker for the SSI