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gnex30 t1_itro9zj wrote

People tweeting "did you all just feel that?" is faster and more reliable than sensors. Wow.


pievole t1_itrqbp0 wrote

> People tweeting "did you all just feel that?" is faster and more reliable than sensors.

No, but tweets about earthquakes are sometimes available faster than the USGS reports, and can augment USGS sensor data for better coverage and overall reliability.


humanregularbeing t1_its1wu5 wrote

Was on a phone call with someone once during a mild earthquake, and they felt it a short time after I did.


sfan27 t1_itsqsi7 wrote

Earthquakes move at the speed of sound, which is incredibly slow compared to light/electricity.


9detat t1_ituj898 wrote

I was on Twitter during the big Fukushima quake and subsequent massive aftershocks in 2011. Was able to let my brother in the US know I was OK. Tokyo immediately shut down, so I just walked home from the office, which took an hour an a half (stopped for beers). Incredibly eerie as there was almost no traffic.


shackleford1917 t1_itsohoc wrote

This is amazing, twitter is actually good for something!