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super-hombre t1_ixo0my7 wrote

Nitroglycerin is still used as heart medication today


ZwischenzugZugzwang t1_ixopj1g wrote

It is. I think this fact is notable because Nobel invented (or popularized? I'd have to look it up) TNT


Goalie_deacon t1_ixos2ag wrote

Okay, Nobel didn’t invent nitroglycerin. Dynamite was Nobel’s invention to make handling nitroglycerin safer. He created the Nobel Peace Price because his fear that he made a great weapon. None of that makes this as interesting as he created dynamite after his brother died from nitroglycerin explosion. What killed one brother kept the other brother alive a bit longer, and a legend.


Devil_May_Kare t1_ixptinr wrote

Dynamite. He invented dynamite. That's a way of stabilizing nitroglycerin so it won't explode if you look at it funny.

TNT is a different explosive that's inherently more stable than nitroglycerin, so it doesn't need extra stabilization.


dk3tkd t1_ixras3a wrote

I was given it once in the ER. Went in for high troponin levels found in a blood test, by my GP's recommendation. When that stuff wore off, OMG! Horrible headache, dizzy, I was a complete mess. Nobody warned me about the after effects.


Ganacsi OP t1_ixo1u2q wrote

> A few months before his death in 1896, Alfred Nobel was prescribed nitroglycerin for this heart condition, writing to a friend: "Isn’t it the irony of fate that I have been prescribed nitro-glycerin, to be taken internally! They call it Trinitrin, so as not to scare the chemist and the public." The medical establishment also used the name "glyceryl trinitrate" for the same reason.


MechaBeatsInTrash t1_ixo4cj8 wrote

I see in the other comments that the Nobel prizes have accomplished their intended task of masking the name of the man who invented such a powerful explosive.


Atlhou t1_ixo0x0w wrote

Now almost anyone is treated with nitro.


Charyou-Tree t1_ixosh0x wrote

Nitroglycerin is one of those strange molecules that is really good at two completely unrelated things. Powerful primary high explosive, also an excellent vasodilator drug.


blues-brother90 t1_ixnzuoh wrote

Raised like a pitbull, My heart pumps nitro


EvilIgor t1_ixq61uo wrote

So he went out with a bang!


steez8000 t1_ixq71rr wrote

Till we blow like nitroglycerin, we sip that cheap brew that tastes like Listerine - Jay Z
