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Satvahana OP t1_j0okf4z wrote

The two businesses that find mention are:

Roosevelt Steamship Company, & United State Lines

Edit: I am not sure how or if the connection exists. FDR and JPK's connection are known. FDR's son James helped Joseph start the liquor business after prohibition. I'll try to find about from the other branch of Roosevelt family's connections. Not certain as of now.

The relationship between Roosevelt and Kennedys does go long back, especially since Joseph and FDR knew each other from WWI times and then later, Joe Kennedy supported FDR politically and financially during his Hollywood success.

United States Lines

The Roosevelts and The Kennedys


arbivark t1_j0ops6d wrote

it is entirely possible i was thinking of james and not kermit. kermit is one of those names that sticks in your memory, in a way that james does not. thanks.