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[deleted] t1_j1jsxg8 wrote



bolanrox t1_j1k14sz wrote

The chipmunk Christmas song is just tape speed minipulation as well


WyleCoyote73 t1_j1kyu1x wrote

The first time I ever popped for a ring tone it was dog's barking the Italian National Anthem. I loved that damn ring tone so much it followed me onto two more phones before I lost it in a switch over.


GetsGold t1_j1jyxgz wrote

Still better than today's "music".


molluskus t1_j1kbfqo wrote

There's plenty of great music and plenty of bad music no matter what time period you're looking at. Being a curmudgeon is boring.


GlandyThunderbundle t1_j1k7cel wrote

In 1969, the year Led Zeppelin I came out, the top charting song was “Sugar Sugar” by the Archies. There has always been horrible drivel.