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ledfrisby t1_j59eu8j wrote

> Arrested on 16 February 1972, Nagata was tried, convicted, and sentenced to death for her participation in the killings. While awaiting execution, Nagata died from brain cancer on 5 February 2011 at the Tokyo Detention House.

You know when there's something at the bottom of your to-do list, and you just keep putting it off? Like, are really really long time? It's kind of like that, but with executing a murderous terrorist.


Chabubu t1_j59p8ee wrote

“We sentence you to death… by old age”


pringlescan5 t1_j5bi9ko wrote

It's normally easiest to just disappear them into the prisons, executing them causes headlines.


Embra_ t1_j5ado09 wrote

That's the issue with death sentences, there's so much bureaucracy from appeal hearings and making damn well sure that you're not about to kill someone innocent (and thus incur millions in damages from justifiably getting sued by the grieving family), that it's just so much cheaper to just feed, clothe, and house them in a prison until they die.


epochpenors t1_j5aswb4 wrote

Which is funny because here in the US there’s still a massive bureaucracy that takes decades and we somehow constantly execute innocent people


assjackal t1_j5cgq68 wrote

>constantly execute innocent people

Almost always because of racial prejudice speeding up the process.


Rubcionnnnn t1_j5alqcv wrote

To be fair the Japanese aren't really big on punishing their own war criminals.


Caiur t1_j59yi63 wrote

Imagine getting so invested into your after-school commie LARP club, that you end up thinking that you need to murder 12 other members because they're not dedicated enough


otclogic t1_j5az4tu wrote

> The United Red Army had 29 members and lost 14 due to killings in less than a year.

Always the commies first move is purge.


Baraga91 t1_j5bhycc wrote

Less than 30 people in your group, and you decide to purge half…

Not a great long term strategy imo.


nekomoo t1_j5cd6ri wrote

Isn’t this the backstory to some manga - train a group together than test them by having one half kill the other half? Wonder if this was the inspiration.


Caiur t1_j5h6v0a wrote

That sounds like it would make a good manga / anime / movie! Similar vein to Battle Royale


TwinHavenUK t1_j59899o wrote

Doesn’t seem that keen on unity to me.


TheOneGecko t1_j5b7gx6 wrote

Communists are always the worst because they don't believe individuals have any rights. The greater "good" matters but individuals are to be used in anyway that is convenient, often ground up in the machine.


Powerplay540 t1_j5daqmx wrote

Capitalists are always the worst because they don't believe workers have any rights. The greater "profit" matters but individuals are to be used in anyway that is convenient, often ground up in the machine.


ParadiseValleyFiend t1_j59ivl7 wrote

Jesus, beatings and exposure to winter temperatures. That's not a good way to go.


Landlubber77 t1_j59n6ml wrote

To be fair on that last one, Hiroko Nagata, the group's leader had a son named "Myn-ose," and became incensed when one of her soldiers asked for a tissue and said "I need to blow my nose."
