Submitted by lantonas t3_11rbjgz in vermont

Essex and South Burlington both forfeited girls basketball games against CVU because a white CVU player posted a TikTok where she mouthed the n-word.

These schools forfeited the games based on the CVU players race which violates VPAs guidelines. They should not be allowed to participate in any VPA sponsored activities.



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cepheus42 t1_jc82474 wrote

Listen, I get it. You're upset trans people exist and have rights, and you're pissed bigots get their asses kicked to the curb these days and no one will listen to the same arguments that have been used for centuries to justify slavery, Jim Crow, the holocaust, dragging gay people behind trucks, and other atrocities. I'm sorry it bothers you so much, it must be hard being so persecuted. But bigotry is not a protected class, and the fact "moderates" fight so hard for the rights of bigots says nothing about the logic they use and everything about who they really are as a human being, none of it good.


bugluvr65 t1_jc7osef wrote

surely u can’t be that dense right ?


BudsKind802 t1_jc7zrzi wrote

Nah, he's just your garden variety white supremacist troll


friedmpa t1_jc905f5 wrote

they're all the same clown too it's so boring


Effinehright t1_jc7q8w2 wrote

The CVU Girl made a horrible choice, and said something dumb that lead to a lot of criticism, CVU never punished the girl via suspension or anything as far as we know. This was construed as an attack on the minority community.

Central Vermont made a fear and hate fueled choice based on their all powerful imaginary friend. These two situations are not the same and you don't seem to understand either situation.


greeneyedbandit82 t1_jc7p2js wrote

Ummmmmm..what?!? They did not forfeit based on anyone's race; I have no idea where you correlate. Yes, it has to do with racism, but not anyone's race...there's a difference. A big one.

And for the record, and as a SBHS parent, I applaud them. According to the school, they 'can't do anything because it's not filmed at school' so these idiot kids get away with saying racist crap with no repercussion. Well, here's one!

edit: my daughter is mixed race and she showed me a video of a different girl, from SBHS, saying the n word on her instagram. She sent it to principal, but as I said, no repercussions for being a racist POS. Luckily, said girl lost friends and quieted down.


lantonas OP t1_jc7px4a wrote

Would they have forfeited if a black student posted a TikTok with the n-word?

If not the decision was based on race.


tomtomwilkins t1_jc7rkgc wrote

One forfeit was an attempt to stop trans rights. The other forfeits were an attempt to stop racism. Do you see the difference? Or are you just upset because you beliefs do not line up with theirs?


EverybodyWangChung52 t1_jc8b58e wrote

Dude you need a hug, go watch Mrs. Doubtfire and forget you hate trans people because your party told you too


Christopher_LX t1_jcciix0 wrote

Should the behavior of an individual player decide the eligibility of a team or a school? I think not. However, the decision of a coach or a school to forfeit a game would be a deciding factor in the elimination of an entire team.


historycat95 t1_jcmonhr wrote

They didn't forfeit because of race. It was the behavior.