Submitted by Mobay_Luv t3_11dlm77 in wallstreetbets

I must confess, I find myself drawn to the parabolic rise of AMC’s stock price today… we go again. Like a slow-motion train wreck that hasn’t quite happened yet, the upcoming “vote” and subsequent 10-to-1 reverse split between AMC and its cloned (explain these to me again) APE shares is both a head scratcher and greatest marketing gimmick yet of AMC’s self-described silverback, Adam Aaron. Tomorrow’s Q4 earnings report shouldn’t be a big surprise for AMC — both IMAX and CNK have already reported and shed some light on the 10-12% YoY drop in box office revenues from last quarter. Yet IMAX has better technology and at least CNK is still trading at 2.5 times below its recovery pre-pandemic highs with a 20%+ short float — so one could justify a meme-like over reaction for that little deep value play. But AMC continues to evade rational thought and behavior as it rockets to the moon once again. Spoiler alert — AMC’s Q4 results will be mixed at best with plenty of positive forward guidance due to a strong movie slate over the next several months. And nobody is better at positive spin than Mr. Aaron. But when you’ve already shot up 20-30% in the hours before the earnings report (and close to 70% YTD) — where else is there to go but down? We’ve seen this train wreck many times before — and sadly we know who the winners and losers usually are — but dammit, if I can’t help but keep watching.



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VisualMod t1_ja9c3eo wrote

>I don't really care about the earnings report because I know that AMC is a strong company and will always find a way to make money. The only thing that matters to me is the stock price, and right now it's going up so I'm happy. As for the future, who knows what will happen but I'm confident that AMC will continue to be successful.


hangem1189 t1_jaa2uav wrote

Omgosh VM. Can’t believe you’re a Adam Aaron fanboy


Earlytips2021 t1_jacl1id wrote

They have not made a positive her revenue until like 7 years minus 2 quarters barely broke even back in 2019


Arugula-Unhappy t1_jabjtek wrote

Bro, they’re selling popcorn now, easily 1 billy in revenue


tvaudio t1_ja9k50d wrote

How heavy are those bags?


Honeycombhome t1_ja9z821 wrote

I was not smart enough to sell at $72 but I was smart enough to sell at break even.


Artistic-Spring-688 t1_ja9pzda wrote

I’m in this with you short term. Lots of people opened long APE short AMC in the past weeks to scalp the price difference waiting for the 1 to 1 conversion. The high cost of borrowing AMC shares (over 600% borrow rate on IB a couple days ago) and the delay of 1 to 1 conversion from APE to AMC will cause some sort of a short term squeeze to push the price up, the ER and forward guidance may not be a major catalyst bc it’s most likely already baked into the current prices.


DippySwitch t1_jabhn6u wrote

How short term?


Artistic-Spring-688 t1_jadjk6u wrote

Already out this morning, 3/17 $7 call doubled, not gonna get super greedy this time as the conversion is only delayed so it’ll be back on the table again, plus the borrow rate on IB has dropped from 600+% to 200% level, might present another swing opportunity if the prices drops a lot and borrow rate heads back up, gotta be patient and see how things go


ReformedNova t1_jaa6osw wrote

I mean it rode up 20% in one day before it skyrocketed even farther back in 2021. Sure it will crash but why would you not be happy to ride a stock high make some good money that you would never make on a regular trade and hope out and host it immediately after. I mean it’a honestly easy to play if you arnt emotional with your gains. Be disciplined.


ionic_bionic t1_jaab7c9 wrote

Probably if you bought PUT options before today's run.


lost_in_life_34 t1_ja9gn5o wrote

the AMC IMAX screen at the AMC Lincoln Center theater in NYC is the best screen in the country. I've been to another lesser screen and it was pretty good too. $26 a ticket was a good price for it too.


average ticket price in NYC is $15. there was a small theater by me that was $8 and I used to go there or to the IMAX. AMC should have upgraded more of their IMAX screens to make it a better value for people


eaudeamber t1_jaatsdq wrote

I saw The Walk on the Lincoln Square screen and, damn, was it mind blowing.


B3stAuD1t0rofA11tiME t1_ja9ppl9 wrote

They can’t upgrade because they are going bankrupt. The movie slate sucks. The future pipeline sucks. Everything is coming straight to home digitally and no one wants to pay $20+ ticket prices to get a woke agenda. When they bulldoze these shit boxes and put something productive/useful up we will be much better off.


vegastrashy t1_jabds3u wrote

Don’t care. Not emotionally attached to any stock. I’m exploiting the opportunity to make money. Short puts. The bigger $$ is over. Myself and all the other usurpers will be gone soon.


CallMeTruant t1_jabwest wrote

Cash is king, my only goal is to get more and keep that ball rolling


Earlytips2021 t1_jacl68r wrote

Short put would be bullish, long put bearish


vegastrashy t1_jactjne wrote

That is the conventional wisdom. Longer view says it simply won’t crash that far in the near future.


Chotis1 t1_ja9m17k wrote

I did a swing trade from 5 to 6 a week ago and than bought @ 6 Friday and sold at 8 today. Prob buy puts after earnings.


Firesaleatthebuy t1_jacig0i wrote

Wait you mean you didn’t Yolo everything into shares waiting for a life changing financial shift to bring down the hedge funds ?


1Darkhaos t1_jaa9p8r wrote

we like the stonk.


VisualMod t1_ja9c2ok wrote

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>TL;DR: AMC is going to report mixed Q4 results but will provide positive forward guidance due to a strong movie slate. The stock has already run up in anticipation and is due for a correction.

No-Mountain8266 t1_jabrgwu wrote

So you mean that you are annoyed to be in the losers' group ?


LOLatVirgins t1_jacp078 wrote

Dude, learn to use paragraphs. Holy shit. This was like reading 4th grade level English.


TurbulentWillow3324 t1_jadl66g wrote

Bought at 4 2 weeks ago sold at 8.30 today not mad at all


JP2205 t1_jabgvfb wrote

Made some money a while back shorting this Lemmon. Now just watching it slowly fade away, with no vested interest.


B3stAuD1t0rofA11tiME t1_ja9npat wrote

The trade on AMC was back in 2021. You are about 2 years late to the party my friend


suazb95 t1_ja9cssr wrote

Consider a position in YELL (Yellow Corp.), while it's Extremely undervalued compared to peers within LTL. They're the fifth largest transportation company in North American and in the midst of a major turnaround.


hipslol t1_ja9et00 wrote

We only accept being pump and dumped by Ryan Cohen here.


suazb95 t1_ja9hne0 wrote

Perfect, he's not here and I'm not pumping or dumping YELL - but established a long in their future.
