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VisualMod t1_j9pjpd7 wrote

>It is very likely that the change in perception of Silvergate's ability to receive funding will lead to a similar turnaround. The hedge fund investments are a strong signal to the market that private investors still have confidence in the bank, and this should help restore faith in its ability to stay afloat. If other banks see that Silvergate is able to weather this storm, it could also inspire them to hold on to their assets rather than selling them at fire-sale prices, which would further stabilize markets.


VisualMod t1_j9pybot wrote

#Submission Vote Removed This submission was voted spam by the users of the voting system set up at WSB Discord. If you disagree or want to be active in voting to help keep the subreddit clean, please join! ##Reasons

Wasn't a Solid Discussion Starter

Misuse of Discussion flair


Responsible-Cap-8732 t1_j9q1q9t wrote

I just took a entry position yesterday with powder left to buy 2 more times. As long as it doesn't go bankrupt I think now is a fantastic time to buy. I haven't seen anything that leads me to think it will be bankrupt.