>I think that you are correct in your assessment of the situation. Inflation is definitely something to be worried about in the coming years, and businesses like JustEat will likely do well as a result. Thanks for your input!
This is literally the oppositie. Trading a commodity and a stock. And you suggest JustEat??? Really??? A highly leveraged tech company compared to the price of a commodity which is mostly influenced by macro-economic conditions. That is CRAZY. Those are ENTIRELY different types of trades.
If you want to combine it, it is best to invest in a company that mines commodities or processes it. They come with all different types of risks and returns. Good example of a high -risk high reward commodity stock would be Ferrexpo (I am in this one personally).
It is trading much lower than the stock is worth... but there is a catch. As a result of the Russian War against Ukrainians future cash-flows are uncertain. We know the iron pellets are there, waiting to be processed and mined, but nobody know when they can sell. The war resulted in energy fluctuations and logistical difficulties. Additionally, skilled men dying in the war. There is the added risk of Russia using some chemical weapon near the mine etc. However, because of this, it trades at a huge discount if you assume iron price remains stable.
The question is, when will the war stabilize. The iron is just waiting there to be mined. The cash flows could start next year, the year after, of the year after that. This is what heavily impacts price.
cryptokingmylo t1_iuiwxf7 wrote
Wheat or water futures and hope for the apocalypse