Submitted by t3_z6t8tq in wallstreetbets

You are making a mistake ignoring BABA:

75% of the marketcap is covered by cash + investments. Alibaba cloud will be huge. This is a great buy in price. It’s funny how when it was $200+ everyone was on board but when it is $63 everyone jumps ship. Herd mentality…. Which is why people stay poor.

Yes, an investment in BABA is an investment in the Chinese economy


There's no question that the material conditions in china have improved considerably in the last 30 years, 10 of which were under the direction of Xi. He's their guy. They like him. 86-91% approval rating. Again, you don't have to like it, but that's a fact and it's really not hard to understand why.

Real wages of Chinese people, that is adjusted for inflation, are up well over a thousand percent since 1990. There's new cities, new trains, new foods in the markets, very fast and cheap internet, reliable electricity, and many many other material improvements in just the last 32 years. If you were a Chinese person born in Chengdu in 1990, your life is unrecognizable now to what it was.

Let’s look at numbers: 50.2 million Chinese kids are in university compared to the US's 1.5 million (of the 2.5 million enrollees in America, 47% are foreign). They have 40,000km of high speed rail, the US has zero. The US has a 60% homeownership rate compared to China's 91%. China has high 90s% literacy, while the US has slipped to 78%.

Don’t bet against the Chinese economy!

I have over 1k shares of BABA this is an amazing stock to hold



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t1_iy310b2 wrote

your post history about baba is making my brain hurt


t1_iy31goc wrote

just saw it myself. He keeps trying to push Baba


OP t1_iy3395g wrote

Because it’s an amazing investment


t1_iy3yd8n wrote

OPs posting history is actually quite disturbing. And not referring to the constant cycling of love/hate affair with: BABA, China, CCP.

OP is either trolling or needs immediate mental health counseling.

One of the few comments I’ve made on this sub not meant to be funny.


OP t1_iy4flw9 wrote

What part is disturbing?


t1_iy4p12b wrote

>What part is disturbing?

To be blunt - the repeated posts expressing suicidal thoughts.

WSB - and gambling on stocks - is not the place to solve your problems. Nor is Reddit.

Seek local expert in-person advice and assistance.


t1_iy3cu2z wrote

Lmao you weren’t lying, this regards post history is a trip and the baba bagholding rope posts are the least of it, check his post on peeing on doors 🤯🤯


t1_iy34ktc wrote

It’s a great investment until China says fuck you and doesn’t allow outside investments and your money is just gone. China doesn’t give a damn


t1_iy36cxv wrote

Dude you have numerous posts about losing 100K and committing suicide. Please cut your loses, speak to a professional about a gambling addiction.


OP t1_iy4fz9r wrote

What do I do I want help I don’t know how to fix my mental health this is a cry for help. Please I’m begging if you’re reading this I am not ok


t1_iy4rk0a wrote

Call the Samaritians. This is not the place for strangers on the internet to help


OP t1_iy59rhj wrote

I don’t know what that is. I’m going to rope


t1_iy5duz6 wrote

Google it, a helpline for people in your supposedly situation. Just seems like you’re an awful troll with awful knowledge on stocks. Maybe Wallstreets bets is perfect for you


t1_iy30juw wrote

> Yes, an investment in BABA is an investment in the Chinese economy

No, an investment in BABA is an investment in a Cayman Islands holding company which the CCP could just say is "zero" at any point.


t1_iy7vgfi wrote

That's the big one; until the VIE structure is better defined with respect to the Chinese legislation, this is a speculative play only slightly better than crypto.

The bull case would be the CCP backing down and making this a legitimate way for non-Chinese to hold ownership in a Chinese company, but even as highly regarded as I am, I can't convince myself that this is happening with the current regime.

The bear case would be a crackdown (again), driving prices down (again)

I think OP is missing out on the worst-case scenario, though, where at any time, a simple statement from Xi could render BABA shares less valuable than the 10 or so bytes of storage space my trading app allocates to it


t1_iy318ds wrote

Oh you little china pusher.

OP is a son of a bitch.


t1_iy3b1tn wrote

Solid advice from a guy posting “I’m riddled with margin calls” and posting in suicidewatch….hope you’re ok bud


t1_iy3zkro wrote

… with generally no responses there.

Which I’m afraid highlights that Reddit is not the place to get help.

I mean, when you get no response on a self-harm prevention sub, so have to turn to WSB…


OP t1_iy4fu3q wrote

I’m so desperate to make my money back I’m either roping or digging myself out of this grave


t1_iy35vou wrote

BABA's owner disappeared after he criticised the CCP. Not really a person/company I want to put my money on.


t1_iy30tsq wrote



t1_iy32i1k wrote

Not as awful as other governments. US government? Nah. They did nothing to upgrade basic infrastructure for the people but spend trillions in war. Look at US subway. Dated and filthy. China government spending on building infrastructure for the people. You dont even need umbrellas because of sheltered walkways being built by the government.


OP t1_iy31h6d wrote

Numbers don’t lie


t1_iy31ph7 wrote

Fake numbers lie.


t1_iy32ck1 wrote

Nothing more fake than US stocks market propped up by money printing


t1_iy3mcb6 wrote

GTFO with this nonsense. You want fake? How about all the empty buildings built to prop up Chinese economy? The US has been and still is the largest economy in the world. Until that changes you can reeee all you want but no one is listening.


t1_iy33mks wrote

Those are big lie, only thing worse is probably chinas 'official' gdp numbers and promises of an open economy 😂


t1_iy3c97v wrote

BABA is up 18% this month but down 21% over 6 months. It’s been hammered disproportionally harder compared to other Chinese stocks as Jack Ma turned from idol to pariah in the country. An important point is that foreign investors own a large portion of stocks of the company , a fact that makes China uncomfortable as they like small percentage foreign ownership. At the same time, they want this company to be as global as Google or Microsoft so they could give it a reprieve. So is Baba going to $5 or back to $150? Nobody knows.


t1_iy3hkpx wrote

"He's their guy. They like him. 86-91% approval rating"

according to who? President Xi?


t1_iy3zz3f wrote

They thought they were rating the character created by A.A. Milne… everybody loves that bumbling little teddy-bear!


t1_iy3wle3 wrote

Yes. Everybody in China loves Chairman Pooh.

So much so, that many are lobbying to permit his early retirement.


t1_iy4rg0x wrote

Hahahaha you are such a desperate baggie. No one’s going to take those bags off you. Hahahahaha


t1_iycdp1h wrote

Smartest post Wall Street bets on Reddit! this is going to fly it’s gonna be the biggest short trap since Tesla / semiconductor chips are putting it over the top


t1_iy4xlo8 wrote

How do you price the political risk? That’s the problem. I don’t think anyone would deny that the Chinese consumer is a huge opportunity


t1_iy7igzp wrote

Xi did pivot at the G20 and appears to have realised that China is super dependent on the West. Whether he starts to open up China again I would not be betting on it.


OP t1_iy7itfm wrote

There’s so many signs for chinas reopening. It’s coming soon. So dumb that you think they will stay locked down forever.