Submitted by t3_z8ewb7 in wallstreetbets

Morgan Stanley’s Mike Wilson says that while S&P can be at 3,900, next 6 months into 2023 will be pretty wild ride and downside.

How do we prepare for a Wild ride? Every ride seems to be of low excitement after such a great year 2022!




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t1_iybuvvl wrote

Move a sizable portion into variable private debt ...paying 8-10%. Might as well be earning while market figures itself out over next 18 months.


t1_iyd9643 wrote

Typical "analyst". Predicts a short term rally followed by a medium term dump. No matter what happens he'll say "I was mostly correct, just had the timing off by a few weeks".


t1_iyb9igj wrote

>There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best way to prepare for a wild ride will vary depending on your individual circumstances and goals. However, some general tips that may be helpful include diversifying your investment portfolio, maintaining a cash reserve in case of market volatility, and being mindful of your risk tolerance.