Submitted by blankspace215 t3_11alii3 in washingtondc

Please don't argue about crime I just want to know if anyone else heard that and if it was indeed fireworks or what. It's hard to tell. Didn't hear a fizz personally but maybe it was too far to hear it. Had a little pause in between each one.

My partner told me not to call the cops and insists it's fireworks but he has a record of being overoptimistic on these things so I am curious if anyone else heard.

Hope this isn't too Facebooky, seen some complaints lately and tbh I get it but this is also not the busiest subreddit and maybe it's fine to talk to your neighbours here. I don't know. Delete it if it's too annoying. Thanks!



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IcyWillow1193 t1_j9t9bh1 wrote

Is Georgetown the only DC neighborhood where residents can't tell the difference between fireworks and gunfire?


MarkinDC24 t1_j9toizj wrote

Girl. Nope - I have told myself every time I hear a loud noise “it is a firework, it is a firework, etc.”. It’s gotten to the point now, at times, I need someone to tell me the truth.

Signed, A person with one nerve and gunshots - all to common - wont take it!


blankspace215 OP t1_j9uqzwb wrote

no i'm just kind of an idiot from a small canadian town where both gunshots (hunters, people in the woods shooting at trees because ??) and fireworks (constantly picking the remains up on my walks when i'm there) are heard at weird hours and I can never tell the difference there and probably won't here unless it's super close by or I can see it



NPRjunkieDC t1_j9u71b7 wrote

A few years ago, just after July 4th, there were 57 shots in our alley . 16th/U St NW

Our bedroom had 2 windows facing in that direction.

I woke up and said OMG bullets and hubby said probably just left over fireworks.

So back to sleep. The next day we saw that a bullet entered our bedroom and got stuck in the bathroom stud.

Our neighbors downstairs were up around 2 am sitting on a couch . The bullet entered through the kitchen window , crossed 30' and exited front window .

Only the cat noticed.


Commercial-Ambition5 t1_j9sozyy wrote

I just came on here hoping others may have heard this too and would have more answers than I do. I also couldn’t tell if they were fireworks or gunshots.


blankspace215 OP t1_j9spr63 wrote

I tried looking on nextdoor cause I can't sleep anyway and maybe someone posted there but I couldn't tell ya because the site is basically unusable and riddled with ads. 🥲 Hope everyone is fine and whatever it was was just some angsty kids with fireworks who will grow out of it or something. 🤞


architextural t1_j9spvkz wrote

I have no answer as to what exactly the sounds were, but I heard them too.


lc1138 t1_j9v932e wrote

Were you able to confirm what the noise was? I can’t find anything on Nextdoor either


blankspace215 OP t1_j9vohov wrote

No I still don't really know and don't think I will find out, but maybe that's a good sign!


ireallyloveswamps t1_j9wsg28 wrote

you a detective or something bro 😂


blankspace215 OP t1_j9x8o1r wrote

no i'm just relentlessly curious and won't shut up :') i blame the adhd


Playful-Translator49 t1_j9svrtl wrote

I’m curious what calling the cops would have done.


swampoodler t1_j9tang2 wrote

Increased reporting on potential crime in the city and alerting them to a potential threat in the area.


HockeyMusings t1_j9tvjfk wrote

If it sounds like gunshots, but you’re not sure, calling the police is probably not warranted. Someone who is closer to the gunshots should/would be calling to report them.

If it’s close enough to be of concern, you’ll be less uncertain as to if it was fireworks or not.


John-Basedow t1_j9tzwnm wrote

Definitely gun shots. That’s a very sketchy part of town. Georgetown is known for its gangs and gun violence. Probably MS 14 or the Crips doing car jackings or illegal crime. I saw some graffiti in Georgetown once. This city has lost its way


blankspace215 OP t1_j9uqqtc wrote

lmaoooo. ok for real though the most likely crimes here are drivers almost running pedestrians over at crosswalks with four way stops. :')


John-Basedow t1_j9uhfko wrote

Idk why I’m getting down votes. I’m concerned for the well being of sub members and affluent people with sensitive hearing. I genuinely care about rich people in Georgetown


blankspace215 OP t1_j9urj2p wrote

i'm not rich, my boyfriend is :') so idk how to respond to this sarcasm, because 1) yes georgetown is pretty stupidly affluent 2) it's awkward to live here as someone who formerly lived in a shack with no toilet and 3) maybe I shouldn't even reply because idk what this discourse is doing to help anyone at all but I don't blame you for making jokes