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t1_iwv0kw6 wrote

The DC health department runs a free mail-in HIV test kit program called GetCheckedDC. If the return address is 899 N Capitol St, then that's where it came from. If you didn't order it yourself, presumably someone else ordered it on your behalf. I won't speculate on why someone would do that. There's no harm in taking it, or in saving it for later, but if you really don't want to take it you can just throw it away. Source: I work there.


OP t1_iwv3cjd wrote



t1_iwv5x3d wrote

Any chance someone could have ordered it for themselves and accidentally used their old address, which is now your current address?


t1_iwv478q wrote

I hear you! It is a little weird. It's possible your PCP ordered it, though I haven't heard of us doing that. I've worked there for a while and every year we have a non-zero number of joke orders, which is annoying but comes with the territory of offering sexual health resources to the public. One time we had some students at a Catholic school order a condom packet to be sent to their teacher; that was fun πŸ™„

Editing to add: I spoke with my colleague who runs the program and he said PCPs shouldn't do this without your knowledge. If you want to talk to someone in our office, send a message to and he'll do his best to help you figure out what happened.


OP t1_iwvlys9 wrote



t1_iwvs7sr wrote

The doctor running a STD/STI test may have triggered something with DC Health to send out an HIV test.


t1_iww33fk wrote

Some STDs are dormant in your system for years, such as HPV. And HPV can cause UTIs.


t1_iwv9e55 wrote

Maybe a past, or current partner tested positive, and the test are being sent to all their sexual partners?


t1_iwvgkci wrote

Free test. Use it. If you're worried about the results then you need to take it. If you're not worried you have nothing to lose


t1_iwvh2j9 wrote

May be the person who used to live at your address accidentally input it or it was saved in the system somewhere. I get mail intended for prior occupants on an irregular basis.


t1_iwvlh6s wrote

It could be that because we use N.E, N.W, S.W, and S.E (depending on your area) it could have been sent accidentally.


t1_iwvwr61 wrote

I saw a random post on Reddit about free STD testing from DC so I signed up for it a couple of months ago and they sent me a test. I never did it or sent it back.

I just got THREE HIV tests sent to me today (they come in decently sized boxes too).

Anyone want one? lol


t1_iww3tbj wrote

They have been doing free community testing in my neighborhood. It’s likely part of the same program.