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Constructive debate is good; name calling is not. There is little patience for trolling, slap fights, or pile ons. If your only reply is going to be driven-into-the-ground snark - e.g. biking whataboutisms, DC's gun laws, the NMAAHC, or federal representation for the city - move on.
Posts will generally be locked due to brigading or graveyard commenting.
Ah typical bigot demonstrating true colors when you get an answer you don’t like. Pretty sexist to assume all redditors are men. Do you insult people with disabilities to their faces or just behind their backs?
dihydrogen_monoxide t1_j5cjmxm wrote
Your post has been removed. See Rule 5: Keep It Civil.
Do not personally insult other posters or post discriminatory content.
Constructive debate is good; name calling is not. There is little patience for trolling, slap fights, or pile ons. If your only reply is going to be driven-into-the-ground snark - e.g. biking whataboutisms, DC's gun laws, the NMAAHC, or federal representation for the city - move on.
Posts will generally be locked due to brigading or graveyard commenting.