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666satanhimself t1_ja07tsp wrote

i've worked in data science and understand data, i know how polling can work and where it fails. were you not surprised when Trump won? if you say yes it shows the holes in your logic. if you say no then you probably can acknowledge the depths of the shit we have created and the probability that indians are just better at playing the "we are all Gods children" wolf in sheep clothing thing that the rest of "us" ddo

also you're right about the misogyny stuff for sure, he's sickening and there's plenty just like him in the rest of the country but india will never be celebrated for the way they treat women at all.


VeryQuokka t1_ja08q1k wrote

Ah yes, those devious brown people. Certainly not any animus on your end going on!


666satanhimself t1_ja09lgc wrote

? i've worked with plenty of indopak people that were incredible people. my kid is literally african american.

u r dum