ThinkSoftware t1_jefyil4 wrote
Already saw this M Night Shyamalan movie
Dernomyte t1_jefymqw wrote
"After two years of follow-up, he was “absolutely fine and there is no evidence of recurrence”, doctors said in their report."
Happened more than 2 years ago
[deleted] t1_jefzkdh wrote
GreatJobKiddo t1_jeg0w3e wrote
News that old being published ? Do we not verify content ?
[deleted] t1_jeg545e wrote
CrankyVince2 t1_jeg5pqe wrote
Money control(.)com? Really?
Raven2095 OP t1_jeg6fth wrote
This news article was announced on March 31.
GreatJobKiddo t1_jeg6qs2 wrote
So is this a new case or an old one ?
Raven2095 OP t1_jeg767r wrote
Although this is a new case, several fungal deseas, such as black fungus, have been recorded previously.
[deleted] t1_jeg7udg wrote
cllphone09 t1_jeg8z17 wrote
Prepare for the next vaccination
No-consequences-1 t1_jeghcso wrote
Isn’t this a Batman villain’s backstory?
waisonline99 t1_jegl0d7 wrote
Nevermind the boring full recovery details.
The Last of Us has just been on tele so lets sensationalise it for all its worth.
Its the fungalopolis!
[deleted] t1_jegyn3o wrote
FistingLube t1_jeh16p8 wrote
Probably he has HIV/AIDS. When I was a kid it was all over the news, health adverts, doctor surgeries, hospitals, schools and everywhere 'USE A CONDOM'. Now the massive over 1000% increase in HIV infections over the last 8 years in never mentioned once anywhere.
[deleted] t1_jefy3w6 wrote