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cencorshipisbad t1_iuhpzb6 wrote

Well your suppliers listed in the article are in China, who has made it known it wants to be the worlds battery producer. So they will be the future owners as they force you out of business with inflated supply costs the article cites as “inflation.”

How can you compete when the supplier wants a monopoly of the thing you want to make? Impossible especially with China’s SOE deep pockets.


GembyWan t1_iuhple7 wrote

"The then Business Secretary Kwasi Kwarteng said the gigafactory and the jobs it was forecast to create "is exactly what levelling up looks like"."

sad clown noises


AnBearna t1_iui9vul wrote

Sounds like DeLorien all over again 🤦‍♂️


OnEarth2000 t1_iui7vsw wrote

>The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy said the government was "determined to ensure the UK remains one of the best locations in the world for automotive manufacturing as we transition to electric vehicles, while ensuring taxpayer money is used responsibly and provides best-value"

How, UK? You government even rejected a meager amount of £30m advance in funding to keep Britishvolt going.

UK is a small market compares to the likes of EU, China, USA.

The supply chain for NEV are in EU, USA, China, Korea.

It is the above the reasons why Tesla have build gigafactory in USA, China and EU, but not in UK.


Britishvolt is not even making any revenue yet. Its production is getting delayed again and again. Which car company wants to depend on such unreliable battery company?


Ambitious_Mousse87 t1_iuhztm7 wrote

Keep voting tory. Rishi Indian god sunak will kill what is left of the economy with cuts here and there. Pensioners will struggle more than ever and also working class as well. Without the eu fundings, UK will get worse very soon. Brexit was an excuse so the richest could avoid paying taxes and get more rich. Sunak, lizz truss and bojo only helped and will continues to support oil company to profit of the situation and ofc their friends as well. I can't wait to see what happens when the coldest months will come. Winter is coming gentlemen and ladies. Good luck to us all


poeticlicence t1_iuhpjzk wrote

It's almost as if the Tories don't give a toss about the north east of England. 'Levelling up' was never a real objective, it was just a slogan they copied off Biden and it got Johnson elected.


bergmoose t1_iui7nc9 wrote

Surprised they're still around to seek funding personally - seemed like a bit of a hail mary attempt from the initial press releases

edit: i hoped (and hope) I am wrong, just the initial messages seemed like they had very little lined up in terms of how they were going to get up and running


SpaceTabs t1_iuind5h wrote

I would expect similar cuts soon.