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SquashedKiwifruit t1_itpeuu9 wrote

It’s time Hungary was removed from the EU, and NATO. They are a liability to both.


Kai_ESR t1_itpgf7w wrote

You can't force countries to leave the EU or NATO. Sadly, because it's something both organizations need right now


SquashedKiwifruit t1_itpgmp9 wrote

I’m sure they could find a way if they tried.


Zafara1 t1_itpxh6m wrote

NATO was specifically made for that not to be possible. So that countries couldn't be bumped out and offered up to appease an aggressor.


Kai_ESR t1_itph0kt wrote

If it comes to it it will have to be more like "all our decision will be against your interests until you leave", not an outright "you are out of the club"


james_d_rustles t1_its3cdi wrote

Don’t Orban and his government decry how evil/terrible the EU is already? What’s stopping them from leaving on their accord?


flamehead2k1 t1_itsfa89 wrote

>What’s stopping them from leaving on their accord?

Then they wouldn't have as much to whine about and campaign on.


szypty t1_itph1iv wrote

What the fuck is CIA doing, isn't it their job to help people in such situations?


prettyboygangsta t1_itpitvl wrote

by "help" do you mean astroturf a revolution and fund an armed uprising to overthrow a democratically elected leader and replace them with a more subservient one?

Yes that is their job and sadly I can see it happening to Hungary in the future.


YouMakeMeSaaaaaad t1_itpmo42 wrote

Hungary? Democracy? What a joke


prettyboygangsta t1_itpoygn wrote

their elections have been judged free and fair by international observers


YouMakeMeSaaaaaad t1_itpqgim wrote

In that case, Hungarians are in dire need of a reality check. And EU are helping with that reality check with reduced funds. What's the problem?


csiposfosas t1_itqk7x1 wrote

As is always mentioned when Hungary comes up, propaganda, botched voting, suppresion of opposing parties. Sadly a big percentage of the people easily believe it, mainly the elderly for whom the current government was deemed a saviour when the “regime change” took place back in 1989. That being said, pro-government and either directly or subtly pro-Russian narratives are the ones that get all the founding and get plastered everywhere on billboards and aired on as advertisements in the media, fabricated in a way so that it seems that these things are good for us. Non-government affiliated media has a very hard time fully spanning its wings and the application of military grade spyware (Pegasus) has also been an occurance amidst journalist who intend on shedding light on the corruption and atrocities of the current government. Young folk who are more educated have an easier time seeing through the lies and promises the government prognosticates. It was a devastating loss to many young Hungarians, counting myself, when in April the same government “somehow” got overwhelming support and won again instead of a pro-western person.


szypty t1_itpkysq wrote

Yeah. I'm genuinely surprised that they don't seem to be up to their old tricks. They used to be so involved in places like South America or Middle East.

Has me worried what they're up to instead, you see.


james_d_rustles t1_its48ga wrote

Really? You realize that one of our two major political parties held one of their massive events in Hungary recently, right? The first time CPAC has ever been out of the US, they held it in Hungary and invited Orban. Orban was one of the main speakers at a CPAC conference in Dallas too. They can’t get enough of the guy - they legitimately look to viktor orban for inspiration on what they’d like to do to the US.

So yeah, my point being, when half of the country’s politicians see him as a kindred spirit, I doubt they’ll be up any time soon on the list of CIA coup fuckery.


Sandbox_Hero t1_itq77ya wrote

You do realize that’s exactly what Putin wants? It would also set a precedent and further proof that bribing/blackmailing a few corrupt politicians is enough to take over an entire country.


Helleeeeeww t1_itpljly wrote

Hungarians will sort this out internally. Seems that more and more of them are fed up with Orbans lips being stuck to Putins ass. In the mean time Hungary will receive less and less EU funding.


Flintiak t1_itsfndp wrote

As a hungarian, nahh. Orbán has to fuck up REALLY badly for this to happen, otherwise it's gonna take a whole generation to die out first.


snap-erection t1_itq1y0k wrote

Orban would just turn over his country to Russia, that's the plan all along.


autotldr t1_itpf5r2 wrote

This is the best tl;dr I could make, original reduced by 74%. (I'm a bot)

> Following Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban's blistering attack on the E.U. over sanctions imposed on Russia, Ukrainian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Oleg Nikolenko responded Monday by saying the military assistance and sanctions are no charity, but an investment made for peace and tranquility in European cities, for which Ukrainians are paying with their own lives.

> "If the EU stops sanctions pressure on Russia and military assistance to Ukraine, then Russian tanks, but we do not want it in any way, will be in Budapest faster than someone from the Hungarian government can reach Moscow," Nikolenko wrote in a Facebook post.

> The E.U. sanctions have been approved unanimously, meaning Hungary has approved each package Budapest has used its veto power to carve out some exceptions, most notably on the bloc's oil embargo.

Extended Summary | FAQ | Feedback | Top keywords: sanctions^#1 Hungary^#2 EU^#3 Russia^#4 Brussels^#5


mistervanilla t1_its41va wrote

Sure, but if Orban is still in charge by that time - they'd be invited.


PilotEvilDude t1_itsdvxu wrote

Is it Hungary? Or is it that orban's sugar daddy is getting fucked in the ass


dumboldnoob t1_itstyp2 wrote

Correction: “Russian tanks will reach Budapest…again”


open2nice t1_itsupvd wrote

They can always join BRICS.


atchijov t1_ittvkux wrote

He should have added ‘again’. Russian tanks already invaded Hungary once (not as part of WW2).


keeden13 t1_itst10c wrote

It's funny how simultaneously the narrative is Russia is weak and losing to Ukraine but also if Ukraine doesnt receive more western money then Russia will stream roll through Europe.


Professional-Spare43 t1_itqg059 wrote

Where is budaspet ? Is it in mid of ukraine or something?


Pteraspidomorphi t1_itqwf1k wrote

Hungary and Ukraine share a border, so what's implied here is that if Ukraine is taken over the russians might aim for Hungary next.


pancakesarenicebitch t1_itpz9xr wrote

Lol EU is defending Ukraine by giving it billions not the other way around.Hungary is in NATO and the EU.I support Ukraine but such statements are so ridiculous that it's funny.


Dylanm147 t1_itqpm17 wrote

Ukraine’s point here is that if the EU plans on dropping sanctions with Russia, it’ll make Russia a stronger adversary capable of reaching Hungary’s borders


pancakesarenicebitch t1_itrolxo wrote

No,their point is that without Ukraine,russia would invade Hungary which is a fantasy.


Dylanm147 t1_itrosnn wrote

Nuh uh. Their point was that Hungary is power Hungary and looking to lead nato and the un (of which they’re a permanent member) into glory bc Hungary is fascist.

Stupid head.