Alternative-Area5309 t1_iye5jl0 wrote
Good lord, what are you talking about?
comeonwhatdidIdo t1_iyeg1ck wrote
How to become a complete Chinese Vassal, speed course by Pakistan.
What Pakistan needs is drastically improve its education. Remove Fundementalist from religion. Create independent institutions that can control and grow independently. Decrease the ARMY and ISI power over civilian government.
Instead they have ruined education by allowing funding to religious fundementalist groups. They have given safe haven to number of religious terrorists. Have not allowed any instruction growth independently. Completely allow Army and ISI to control its civilian government.
Zealousideal-Arm1682 t1_iyets83 wrote
Blink twice if your being held hostage.
thismikebeewar t1_iyf6426 wrote
the good lord, except it aint good, its mean as fuck. its real tho and all them religious deals, whatever religion, are coming true, just none of it like it is in the books.
honest injun.
if a things real, it will have facts pertaining to it. all anyones had is fantasy and garbled garble so far.
wanna meet god? its everywhere once u can see it, but like i said, its mean.
but look around. massive fish stock dieoffs, on land. how many bugs r there compared to even..say...twenty years ago as opposed to now. u old enough to recall that? serious ?, not trying to belittle.
anyways, so it made itself known to me, the name it gave me is Oldest Person, and if you want u can take a gander, ill link an explanatory thread.
aint kiddin tho, knowin what i know, id forego the experience as long as i could, if id had the choice.
ed2 honest injun maybe wasnt the best expression to use here. smilin. im usa, we got injuns.
Alternative-Area5309 t1_iyf68oj wrote
Lay off the meth
thismikebeewar t1_iyf6rzg wrote
ahuh huh huh huh huh.
just havin a talk with that which pweople call god. i know i sound crazy cuz almost every post has an element of hostility, godll do that to you, and each post is just a piece of that conversation.
ed btw, *you're
kinda like u. little smartass, innit.
thismikebeewar t1_iyf6xy9 wrote
buddy, i hope i never ever get stung by that shit. bad enough with the addictions i already got. i were talkin to what u call god.
thismikebeewar t1_iydwjxb wrote
been demonstrably doin yall like them. i just thought they had the class i didnt need to say anything. not that yall are w/o class.
not that im this banky bank.