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t1_j1pprx1 wrote

More strikes on airfield => more to cheer for


t1_j1pqm4t wrote

Might as well hit their critical infrastructure as well.

If Russia can do it, so can Ukraine.


t1_j1pw05p wrote

Protecting their own infrastructure through disabling Russian air force will probably take precedence but I won't be surprised if that happens.


t1_j1r03cc wrote

Ukraine don't have hundreds of missiles lying around to shoow willy-nilly. I'm pretty sure if they could, they would attack military targets as much as possible.


t1_j1r41du wrote

To do what? Make Russian citizens miserable so they... don't vote for Putin in the next election?


t1_j1qmmbl wrote

What's good for the goose is good for the gander, I heard. If Russia doesn't like it, then they probably shouldn't have invaded another country.