
Xtrendence OP t1_jdvrimn wrote

You don't actually need those liquids/foods. Just think for a few seconds about how they'd taste, how it'd feel in your mouth etc. And it should work.

Think about the smell of vinegar, the taste, that almost stinging piercing taste. Works for me!


Xtrendence OP t1_jdvr5m2 wrote

I don't know if there's a limit though? Like I only randomly discovered it a few months ago when I was talking about how I like vinegar with lettuce, and noticed I was practically drooling while talking about it. So I tried again and just concentrated on what vinegar would taste like and it happened again. Then I looked it up and learned we produce additional saliva when eating acidic things to protect our throat and such as it's going down. It's happening as I type this just thinking about it.

Since then I just use it if my mouth feels dry, or I need to take a pill but don't have a drink etc. But yeah I don't know if your body will eventually learn you're not actually eating anything or if it's just programmed to do it at the mere thought rather than smell or taste.


Xtrendence OP t1_jdv2web wrote

Yeah I was looking for a sub better suited for tips that make things you shouldn't do easier, but it wasn't unethical or illegal. I generally just use this if I'm on a train without a drink and feel a headache coming on or some other situation where I don't have a drink and can't get one before a headache starts, as when the headache gets bad enough, pills don't help much.

But yes, you're right, it affects absorption and if you're not careful it can get stuck in your throat etc. Just figured there are people out there already dry swallowing, might as well give them a tip to make it easier and at least lessen the negative impact a bit.