
AdmiralBofa t1_jae385r wrote

My cousin got a speeding ticket. He was going like 20mph over the limit, but anything 15+ over is reckless driving. And his kid was in a car seat in the back. So that's felony child endangerment. He lost his license, lost his job, and a judge awarded his ex sole custody of the kid. He never quite recovered. He ended up bankrupt with a big alcohol problem. Up until that ticket, he had his shit together, but everything that happened after it ruined him.


AdmiralBofa t1_j6ir6h8 wrote

I like Rainbow a lot (disclosure: they're from my home town and I grew up in them). You will want rubber or hemp for good wear in water. My preference is the double-layer Classic Rubber.


AdmiralBofa t1_iyfas5f wrote

The Wire

Multiple seasons of characters who really knew who they were and what they wanted from life, and a layered study into how institutions shape outcomes while becoming very hard to change. Really excellent.


AdmiralBofa t1_iyf6mcd wrote

We actually have more free speech rights under law than most places.

Most Americans in their hearts are censorious a**holes who wish it was against the law for their enemies to speak, but so far, the courts have sided with free speech.

Most Americans also have no idea what the law on free speech is, which leads to a lot of arguments, but nobody gets jailed by the government for it.


AdmiralBofa t1_iyewyra wrote

Some people have had the communication between the two halves of their brain severed. It's called callosal syndrome. It leads to some very interesting effects.

Your brain is kind of hooked up backwards to your body. The left half controls the right side and vise versa.

When these people are shown an image only in the left half of each eye's visual field, it only goes to the right side of their brain through the optic nerves.

But your speech center is on the other side (the left). SO THEY CANNOT NAME THE THING! Like, they know what it is intellectually, but they can't produce the word until the left side of their brain gets to see it.