
AntiquatedAntelope t1_jef0qf0 wrote

Reply to Dual sim use by Duke660

Dual sim is super easy and great, but you have bigger non-tech questions to answer really.

First, do you want all your personal and work communications on the same device side by side? I could see that ruining your personal time.

Second, are you wanting to maintain ownership over your existing phone number? If you port your number over you will lose control of it. If you leave the company your manager should help you to port your number out, but if it’s a big company or a company with the potential to not care, they could also refuse to help and now you lose access to your number.

Third, do you want to still pay for your personal phone line even if you use your work one more often?

Four, if it is a work provided iPhone, and not just a work provided SIM, do you feel safe having personal communications on a work device? Work devices often give the employer significant access to the info on the device. There are stories of employers looking at employees family and personal photos, for example.


AntiquatedAntelope t1_jeex9pw wrote

Depending on how the foreground app is coded, you may be able to get around this.

First, it happens when a foreground app is also playing audio, or doing something invisible to the user with audio. The latter is always tricky, but my understanding is some apps play inaudible tones to fingerprint your device for ad targeting, which will pause already playing music even though the foreground app doesn’t appear to be making any noise.

Anyways. The way around it is instead of switching back to Spotify to resume your audio, instead pull down control centre while you’re still in the app you want to use. From control centre press play. This will often, but not always, work.