Antman013 t1_j6b868t wrote
Reply to comment by jrhooo in eli5: Why does cheap alcohol taste worse than nicer alcohol? by Chase_The_Dream
My two favourites are Van Gogh Triple Wheat (Dutch), and Chopin Wheat. There is a craft distillery a couple hours away from me that uses Red Fife Wheat for their Vodka and Gin that I like VERY much, particularly as the first two are not stocked at my local LCBO.
Antman013 t1_j6b7uqj wrote
Reply to comment by jrhooo in eli5: Why does cheap alcohol taste worse than nicer alcohol? by Chase_The_Dream
Agree with you on Chopin Wheat. That is the one that led me to Triple Wheat by Van Gogh, which is just awesome.
Antman013 t1_j6b7hbg wrote
Reply to comment by sweetnumb in eli5: Why does cheap alcohol taste worse than nicer alcohol? by Chase_The_Dream
Grey Goose is literally about marketing. The guy behind it spent thousands on slanted "surveys" where Grey Goose was compared against "well stock" brands, so naturally it would be the favourite. That led to the marketing campaign where the surveys were used as "proof" that it was the "best Vodka in the world". You can look up the history of it all. It;s a dang case study in marketing strategy.
Antman013 t1_j6adhn8 wrote
Reply to comment by Grammarguy21 in eli5: Why does cheap alcohol taste worse than nicer alcohol? by Chase_The_Dream
LOL . . . ya caught me.
Antman013 t1_j6a7429 wrote
Reply to comment by hikeonpast in eli5: Why does cheap alcohol taste worse than nicer alcohol? by Chase_The_Dream
Don't argue with me . . . my opinion is informed by conversations with a PhD who happens to be the Master Blender for J.P. Wiser's in Windsor. Take it up with him.
Antman013 t1_j6a5r6x wrote
Reply to comment by Diagonalizer in eli5: Why does cheap alcohol taste worse than nicer alcohol? by Chase_The_Dream
I agree. And yes, we do get it in Canada. But we also have better options, as well. My personal favourite in terms of Vodka was a a Dutch Vodka called Van Gogh Triple Wheat.
The gimmick was that they used three different varietals, grown in three different climates (prairie, mountain, and shoreline). It was interesting in that different palates would note different qualities. I tended to focus on a tinge of brininess (sea air), while a friend of mine would note a minerality to it.
Antman013 t1_j69zljp wrote
Reply to comment by extacy1375 in eli5: Why does cheap alcohol taste worse than nicer alcohol? by Chase_The_Dream
Grain makes a difference. Number of distillations is a marketing tool, just as Tito's "made in Texas" nonsense is a marketing tool. They truck it in from Indiana (iirc), run it through their own still once, and this is what allows them to claim it's "Texas made".
The reason I say that "number of distillations" is just marketing is in the way a column still works. There are plates all the way to the top of a column still which catch the condensate. Technically, each one of these plates can be considered a separate "distillation". So, a column still with 30 plates could legally claim to be "30X distilled)". Not that I have heard of any of them doing that. But no, running it through your column still more than once is not going to significantly improve the spirit. If you didn't get it right the first time, it's not going to get much better afterwards
Antman013 t1_j69uk5l wrote
Reply to comment by -domi- in eli5: Why does cheap alcohol taste worse than nicer alcohol? by Chase_The_Dream
And Grey Goose is an overly hyped bottle of crap. I can provide you a number of ~$40.00 bottles that are FAR superior. I live in Ontario, Canada.
If you have access to Beattie's Farm crafted potato vodka, give it a shot.
Antman013 t1_j69u9nb wrote
Reply to comment by huhIguess in eli5: Why does cheap alcohol taste worse than nicer alcohol? by Chase_The_Dream
I spent several years exploring an reviewing spirits. Vodka is meant to be "odorless, colorless and tasteless" by its very definition. So yeah, if you think the "average Joe" can tell them apart, you're kidding yourself.
Where taste REALLY comes into play is for things like Whisky and Rum, where aging IS a factor.
Antman013 t1_j69phel wrote
Well, "taste" is a very subjective criteria, to start with. But, in the case of Vodka and Gin, two spirits which you can bottle as fast as you can make it (no aging requirements), what affects the quality of the spirit are the ingredients used to create it.
Specifically, what grain are you using when you distill it into alcohol, or what botanicals you use to infuse a flavour in creating your Gin. Both of these things can and will, impact the "taste".
In the case of whisky, there are aging requirements in most jurisdictions. Most of these also involve specifying the type of container used to age the spirit (wood). Aging in a wooden barrel allows for the lignen within the wood to be broken down by the volatility of the alcohol. In turn, the wood absorbs some of the harsher characteristics of that spirit, mellowing the taste. The longer the aging (to a degree) the more this impacts taste. Further, if you are aging the spirit in a barrel previously used for something else (like say wine), that too, will have an effect on taste.
Antman013 t1_j2eyd9l wrote
Reply to ELI5: Why do we board up the windows of abandoned or currently renovating buildings instead of leaving the glass? by bandreasr
Doing so prevents injury risk if they break during other renovations on site. It also mitigates against vandalism, as well as break-ins. And, as you noted, all windows would likely be replaced anyhow.
Antman013 t1_j2exzs9 wrote
Reply to comment by Ansuz07 in Eli5 why do we as humans, globally, accept to pay a different price for the exact same product just somewhere else on the globe? by [deleted]
There are certain exceptions. Darts, for example. Canadian and American players can save money buying from European sites, even after you factor in shipping costs and currency conversion. And this includes buying American made darts.
Antman013 t1_j2enbsv wrote
Reply to comment by deep_sea2 in ELI5: What are the pros and cons of the American sports franchise-based model? by [deleted]
For example, the way the NFL's broadcast contracts are structured, the owners could play all of their games in empty stadia, and they would STILL turn a profit.
Antman013 t1_j2dx9kv wrote
Reply to comment by constantino675 in ELI5: What makes the rust on a rusty nail different from the rust on shaving razors to where one needs an immediate tetanus shot and the other happens daily by DrySyllabub2563
This is EXTREMELY difficult to accomplish, however, and usually only done by folks wanting "bragging rights". So called "century shavers" . . . in a practical sense, there is simply no need to be this fanatical about edge wear on disposable blades.
I have seen what both a safety blade and a straight razor edge look like under an electron scope, and u/Berek2501 is correct. The "edge" is actually a line of "peaks and valleys" which, after contact with your hair, have the tips rounded off or over. Honing is done to "straighten" or realign those peaks and valleys and restore that keen edge. It's quite fascinating to see how "uneven" a truly "straight edge" is under extreme magnification.
Antman013 t1_j29n2ij wrote
Reply to comment by Tratakaro in ELI5: Why is the recoil of a gun not nearly as bad as getting hit with a bullet while wearing a bullet proof vest if they are both the same force? by Tratakaro
Yes. But you are also talking about a LOT more energy, as noted elsewhere in this thread.
Antman013 t1_j26sxrj wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in ELI5 How do animals that swim/fly in complex formations do it? by TheBaddestPatsy
The formation also allows the trailing birds to use less and less energy to remain aloft. This is why there is a regular change in the lead bird.
Antman013 t1_j266plt wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in ELI5: How is vehicle suspension ‘tuned’ for local (i.e. country) conditions? by KDNA-AUST
IS it something about the composition of the asphalt?
Antman013 t1_j255dr0 wrote
Because they offer loans at absurd interest rates with the expectation that you can/will NEVER repay the debt, and they will continue to collect from you an amount FAR GREATER than you ever borrowed in the first place.
Payday Loan Companies are only different in that they set their rates just below what a given jurisdiction would deem illegal.
Antman013 t1_j1v4vrs wrote
Well, economically, it means that for every $1.00 spent in production costs, the reactor returns a $1.10 worth of electrical power (just made up #s). That means that energy prices will, inevitably, get lower and lower across the board.
Now, think about your life if you no longer had to pay (or paid a MINIMAL COST) for electricity. How much MORE $$$ will you have to spend, in that scenario? Then factor in that EVERYONE, including businesses, will be in the same boat.
Everyone LITERALLY becomes "wealthier overnight".
Antman013 t1_iuda9m3 wrote
Reply to comment by Android-hemorrhoids in Eli5: Hemorrhoids. by ArinandArson
That is pro-lapsing. You can occasionally see examples of it on certain NSFW sites.
Antman013 t1_iubdk7c wrote
Reply to comment by senorali in eli5: What are freemasons and why are there so many conspiracies about them? by SovietCyka756
We clearly hang our in different subs. Most subs I frequent that have even a tangential relationship to politics (r/Toronto, for example, though I have left it) skew young and socialist.
Even a lot of "sports" related subs go that route.
This could just be a function of the internet itself, but it IS there. Also, while my Lodge had it's share of "old white guys", we were actually fairly diverse (unsurprising, given the demographics of my home town).
Antman013 t1_iuagc50 wrote
Reply to comment by senorali in eli5: What are freemasons and why are there so many conspiracies about them? by SovietCyka756
While the online world can provide the same sense of fellowship, the membership is much less diverse than the groups mentioned. One need only look at certain sub-reddits for proof. The benefit to the community at large of these sorts of groups is what I was getting at earlier.
Antman013 t1_iuag0je wrote
Reply to comment by Latter_Bell2833 in eli5: What are freemasons and why are there so many conspiracies about them? by SovietCyka756
A brother Lodge to mine used to host an annual "Wild Game Night", as the majority were hunters and fishermen. Oh my God, the FOOD.
Arctic Char from the Northwest Territory
Wild Boar
Black Bear
Bison Steaks
Antman013 t1_iuafnrz wrote
Reply to comment by Amisarth in eli5: What are freemasons and why are there so many conspiracies about them? by SovietCyka756
Small country in Africa. Google it.
Antman013 t1_j6bauo5 wrote
Reply to comment by jrhooo in eli5: Why does cheap alcohol taste worse than nicer alcohol? by Chase_The_Dream
I've had it. I have tried most of the non-flavoured Vodka carried in the LCBO here in Ontario, Canada, up to about 6 years ago. Probably about 100 different brands overall, including some stuff brought back from the States.
Then I got into whiskies.