Avia53 t1_j9t4xth wrote
Reply to Apple reportedly made a big breakthrough on a secret non-invasive blood glucose monitor project that originally was part of a 'fake' startup by dakiki
There are about 30 companies working on this technology. I hope to be able to buy one soon.
Avia53 t1_j9nxioo wrote
Reply to comment by Laumser in Apple's Noninvasive Blood Glucose Technology for Future Apple Watch Reaches 'Proof-of Concept' Stage by chrisdh79
I hear you and sadly so would we. Husband tried one of the sensors for a month and it is awesome.
Avia53 t1_j9nljj0 wrote
Reply to Apple's Noninvasive Blood Glucose Technology for Future Apple Watch Reaches 'Proof-of Concept' Stage by chrisdh79
I saved the names of the companies and their progress on CGM, can’t post the picture here. Sad.
Avia53 t1_j9nhtxd wrote
Reply to Apple's Noninvasive Blood Glucose Technology for Future Apple Watch Reaches 'Proof-of Concept' Stage by chrisdh79
There are currently 30 companies working on CGM, I do hope Apple is not stealing and crushing one of those companies. Like destroying AliveCor.
Avia53 t1_ixksd8m wrote
Reply to Lost islands cited in Welsh folklore and poetry are plausible, new evidence on the evolution of the coastline of west Wales has revealed by marketrent
Never understood why folklore gets dismissed so easily.
Avia53 t1_j9zsd6q wrote
Reply to A custom 100-pound laptop with a 43-inch screen by thebelsnickle1991
So portable too.