
BoxerguyT89 t1_jb5k59z wrote

> I honestly don’t know why I am responding at this point except to stop disingenuous comments

Same here.

> Data brokers purchase the data and just sell it to the NSA without legal approval.

Your words. Purchase from whom?

In the EFF article you linked:

> And companies like Google shouldn’t be able to monetize data they collect without consent even if they aren’t technically “selling” it.

Does Google monetize our personal data? Yes, everyone knows that, and if that is your point, you are correct.

Your link regarding Meta, from 2018, also mentions indirectly "selling" the data using similar methods to Google.

> I don’t care about pr campaigns on socials trying to whitewash bad behavior

Anyone that doesn't agree with me is a shill, got it.


BoxerguyT89 t1_jb5cgeh wrote

You still don't get it or you are being purposefully obtuse. That article alleges that healthcare providers are sharing PHI with Meta, not that Meta or Google are selling data to brokers. Meta being sued is also not evidence that they are selling data to brokers.

How can he prove that Google and Meta aren't selling the data to brokers? That's like asking to prove that God doesn't exist.

Do they monetize your data by targeting ads based on it? Of course, but that's not the same thing.

You are the one making the claim and the sources you have provided do not show that at all.