
Calamitous_Stars t1_je22co4 wrote

If you say so- my first reply after my joke mentioned how it was a joke and what i found funny, but reading too hard, i understand.

Why are you this sensitive? Look at my first Response in this thread. The people who understood the joke laughed(or at least did that slight smile with a sharp nose exhale). Just because you didnt get it, doesnt mean it wasnt there. You could just be an alcoholic.

Like you're trying to argue, but I keep telling you there's no argument to be had and you still dont get it.. like it's oddly personal for you somehow?


Calamitous_Stars t1_je1npl1 wrote

That was the joke... do you not understand what "pedantry for humor" means??

My question is: why does this topic have your panties in a knot?

Gotta turn off notifications for reddit- I forgot how prickly y'all are. Life's more enjoyable if you learn how to relax. The people who got the joke laughed, you don't gotta get mad about it.


Calamitous_Stars t1_je0hx94 wrote

That wasn't a part of the question i was replying to..

They had asked whether or not there were enough people who don't drink at every location they shop at to justify a business not serving alcohol..

To which my answer was a reminder that many non-alcohol related businesses do in fact exist and many are quite profitable.

IOW: pedantry for the sake of a mildly amusing loophole in grammar.


Calamitous_Stars t1_je02dd6 wrote

You replied to me 3 times, you're not calm enough to have a discussion- and information can exist outside of a single article?

I mean, you could just admit you dont understand other cultures and how other groups could be heavily influenced by their local religion?

I mean, you're not even in colombia and you've heard about this guy's prayers.. it's doing something- look up more about the colombian cartel until you can recognize it's a globally funded criminal organization that commands enough force to basically exist tactically unopposed when their enemy is just local police.


Calamitous_Stars t1_jdycvgo wrote

Yeah, the NRA is very different from literal drug cartels- so it's understable how one could confuse lessening the psychological grip a cartel holds over an area with •checks notes• United States political theatre..

Like, this is one of the good parts of religion: comforting people in dire situations..

Colombia cartels are globally funded.. the drug trade there is not just local dealers..


Calamitous_Stars t1_jdy9o3p wrote

Eh, you'd be surprised when it comes to communities with strong cultural values.. latin america tends to value interpersonal familial relationships higher than the average westerners and religion spreads through families. (Source: am Latin American immigrant raised in the U.S. 1st generation, raised catholic too hah!)

Like i said, ik it's popular to hate on christianity, but in this scenario, it's not as crazy as jim jones or scientology b.s. it's more of a cultural thing, you can't really blame them for having their culture mixed with catholicism.

I mean, you can blame them, but that'd just be because you're being willfully ignorant.


Calamitous_Stars t1_jdxk56w wrote

Oh so this just makes perfect sense..

I wasn't even considering the occult symbols and mythos down there that could be used to further a cartel's purposes.

The exorcisms and prayers would work as a level of social crowd control too. Driving out the "evil spirits" that are controlling the cartel. It gives the people a narrative that emboldens hope, rather than defeatism in spite of the circumstances of their environment.

The Cartel consists of people possessed by the devil, but god is on our side, so don't give up just yet


Calamitous_Stars t1_jdxe5t4 wrote

Okay- ik its popular to shit on Christianity on reddit..

But this is a Police Chief in Colombia.. can you imagine the shit he's seen or at the bare minimum had to be made aware of? I mean, colombian neckties aren't famous for their fabric.

I can see why this person would believe in the Devil specifically as their role in society is to oversee the actions of the worst people in a brutal locale with a historical Latin-Catholic culture.


Calamitous_Stars t1_jamarr7 wrote

Theres another reply in this very thread that explains at length that I'm simply apathetic about the war. Note how you didn't even get to see my take before offering your opinion on it- lmfao

But literacy isnt reddit's strong suit- Take note how no reply tried to engage any idea, just "folks" spewing their knee-jerk reactions, much like yours. (Which is why taking away the top part of the thread is an effective tactic to get lemmings to stop pretending to engage, like taking away the headline from idiots who only read the headline)

Dont worry though, you have the correct opinion, I believe in you. You're definitely the smartest people in the room.


Calamitous_Stars t1_jal852x wrote

Surprisingly enough y'all dont understand what a strawman is? Why i put hypothetical annual rainfall instead of just "dry climate"

Since parched soil is terrible at water drainage.. but just assume i'm saying the least amount possible with my words to try and pull an "ackshully"

That's just how reddit goes. Y'all are definitely the smartest people in the room, I can tell.

Maybe I'm just more comfortable admitting my apathy towards war rather than suddenly pretending to care now that it's white people bombing each other instead of just bombing people folks in the desert.. all y'all can do is downvote, why should your opinion matter to me?

It's only become popular to care about war now that it's white people dying? No thanks


Calamitous_Stars t1_jaj6l96 wrote

Nice strawman but, honestly didn't have an argument as much as I'm apathetic to the topic and found the concept of trading time as a currency entertaining. But if you're asking when I'd prefer to pay for insurance, of course I'd prefer to pay after i know I'd need it. Would be a dumb deal to buy flood insurance for a locale with < a foot annual rainfall, right?

My bad for looking for humor ig lol the world has been on fire for too long to let every spark spook me. If you're young enough to feel like this is the first time, I envy the cognitive dissonance.
