>Part of the solution, he says, is to ensure the U.S. has enough immigrants to help fill important roles in the tech industry.
>“We need to be graduating the best folks, we need to be giving them a pathway so that they can stay in the United States,”
Translation: We need to Fix our immigration system which has been unchanged since the mid-twentieth century. STOP HOLDING ANY FIX HOSTAGE TO ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION.
EbenSquid t1_jad71f1 wrote
Reply to The U.S. needs more than the CHIPS Act to stay ahead of China: MIT report by Vailhem
>Part of the solution, he says, is to ensure the U.S. has enough immigrants to help fill important roles in the tech industry.
>“We need to be graduating the best folks, we need to be giving them a pathway so that they can stay in the United States,”
Translation: We need to Fix our immigration system which has been unchanged since the mid-twentieth century. STOP HOLDING ANY FIX HOSTAGE TO ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION.