EducationalSmile8 t1_j1ve61d wrote
Reply to My brother lives in the basement. by [deleted]
Umm Okay, I hope everything's fine, OP *smiles nervously*
EducationalSmile8 t1_j1vde3s wrote
You shouldn't have gone into the basement... Should have bolted for the main door.. You basically locked yourself in... Good Luck !
EducationalSmile8 t1_j1vawl7 wrote
Reply to I steal packages off of porches on Christmas Eve, but I am about to pay the price. by GTripp14
I get this feeling that if you simply give the parcel to him he won't do anything to you...
EducationalSmile8 t1_j1pwmqj wrote
Listen to Matt's advice, whenever she calls, just hang up. Plain and simple.
EducationalSmile8 t1_j0uk496 wrote
Oh the guy was just about to return home, when he probably killed himself.... Poor chap..
EducationalSmile8 t1_j0qh2bg wrote
Well at least your Dad and Tio are safe... Though if I were in your place, I would've sold the property and moved somewhere else...
EducationalSmile8 t1_j07qcko wrote
Reply to I've lived today before. by NomNomNomNation
I hope you escape the loop (I wonder how many times before I've written this comment)
EducationalSmile8 t1_iy8x8z7 wrote
Reply to I decided to use and found something terrifying by Randomlylegendyt
Kinda weird that you entered that dude's taxi even though you knew that he's such a weird guy..
EducationalSmile8 t1_iy8w50l wrote
Reply to Are Anyone Else's Sims Acting Strange? by Jgrupe
These games are getting weirder with each passing day...
EducationalSmile8 t1_iy8slgi wrote
Had Goosebumps after reading this !
EducationalSmile8 t1_iy8r3vm wrote
Reply to My parents told me to not enter my dead sisters room I had no clue why until today by Dark29-reddit
Dude, this is something sinister... I wouldn't have gone inside if I were you...
EducationalSmile8 t1_iy8g571 wrote
Reminds me of the dementors I encountered while in Little Whinging.... It felt as if they took all my happiness away. Be careful Gus...
EducationalSmile8 t1_iy8fc4u wrote
> for a second I feel like I see him
I just hope you never get to see him again.
EducationalSmile8 t1_ix9ieal wrote
Reply to My UberEats order is glitching out. by WorldAwayTweedy
I would say, throw your phone away. But since they're apparently paranormal, it appears to me that they're gonna catch you even if you discard your phone somewhere. Be safe OP
EducationalSmile8 t1_iwzlp5r wrote
Reply to I recorded something very strange by withbite
This is a really wholesome one... Really proud of you OP !
EducationalSmile8 t1_iwu27mf wrote
Damn your sister! Shit! Stay inside there OP, may be call the cops or something... Just don't go towards him...
EducationalSmile8 t1_iwu1qmb wrote
Reply to I was in a bus crash with five other passengers. After the crash, there were six by RobertMort
Really unfortunate what happened..
EducationalSmile8 t1_iw8c28v wrote
Reply to I am a security guard at NASA. I entered an off-limits room, and it was the greatest mistake of my life. by Colt_Leasure
I would leave the place immediately after seeing that carnage, if I were you...
EducationalSmile8 t1_iw88dnf wrote
Well, you're smart enough to make a monster lose it's sense of smell by using "shaving foam" , and, now that this ordeal is gonna last for 3 days I just hope you're smart enough to make it out alive... Be careful OP.
EducationalSmile8 t1_iw3rs6j wrote
You can temporarily go, but you cannot leave permanently, sometime you would need to come back and fix things up...
EducationalSmile8 t1_iui0qd6 wrote
Reply to There’s Something Off About The Bed & Breakfast I Run, So I Created A List Of Rules To Keep My Guests Safe by spnsuperfan1
Checking in soon !
EducationalSmile8 t1_iuhyqyv wrote
Why didn't the neighbours stop you ? Why did they allow you to continue with your veggie-growing stuff, when they knew that such shit can happen....
EducationalSmile8 t1_iuhxbu0 wrote
Well, she had it well planned to get rid of you
EducationalSmile8 t1_iuhekoi wrote
Reply to I don't know why you're coming to me for this, but sure, I'll give you a tour of the house! by girl_from_the_crypt
Uh oh I would actually like to stay away from your house Ma'am
EducationalSmile8 t1_j3349x9 wrote
Reply to I used to love The Rules. by ch-4-os
May be I'm wrong, but I get the feeling that you should resist these rules rather than complying.