
Educational_Map919 t1_jdyvl8g wrote

Greater Danbury or greater Bridgeport seem like the only two options. Make sure your wife only has an hour drive at the most. (10 hours a week) and you get easy access to the train, probably be a 3.5 hour round trip door to door, so only going three times would be 10.5 hours a week, sounds fair.

If you wanted to spend more time travelling but give your wife less, while securing lower housing costs, anywhere in greater new Haven would work.


Educational_Map919 t1_iueafnb wrote

Have you met drunk 22 year olds?

Considering what just happened in Seoul I think it's rather tame and in the area this type of behavior is supposed to occur.

Seems like an insignificant thing to bitch about but hey this is the internet after all.

Just hope OP avoids downtown the Sunday before March 17th.
