
HumanGyroscope t1_irb1pyq wrote

I live in the city, we get a monthly bill and mine is around $75 3 adults. If I pay a monthly bill late it will show up on the next billing cycle. The city maintains city and a good portion of county water but the city has to make up any losses and the only way is to raise rates on city residents.


HumanGyroscope t1_irazszh wrote

I don’t have a pool and what you are saying makes sense. The issue is the amount of time he didn’t pay His bill, it were only a few months I won’t think much of it. I am just a little disappointed he would let it go for so long. I still plan to vote for him. The Mosby’s went 12 months without paying their water bill many people weren’t too happy about that.


HumanGyroscope t1_irat929 wrote

Baltimore city charges a volumetric rate per Ccf at $21.78. His pool is around 3600 CF which is 36CcF. I messed by math up, my bad. To fill his pool would only be around $784.04 plus the sewer volume charges at 56.88 for a grand total of $2831.76. That still leaves $18.17K. He did take care of it right away. For someone who has an ultra safe campaign it’s really surprising something like this would happen.


HumanGyroscope t1_ir9y334 wrote

If he filled is pool with tab water over the summer, that cost would have came out to around $13.5K assuming a 20' x 40' x varying depth from 3'-9'. Its disappointing that he wants to be governor of Maryland and oversee all aspects of the state but can manage to keep track of his bills.
