
t1_j280sba wrote

The person on the outside wouldn’t be able to see the person on the inside they would only see warped space from the other side of the event horizon until they cross the threshold.

The person on the inside would see have a heavily redshifted and distorted view.


t1_j27ku89 wrote

Your premise is garbage.

You can’t get anywhere near an event horizon and survive because of the crushing gravity and high energy particles that orbit Black Holes.

You also cannot put something on a line and pull it back from the Event Horizon because Gravity is too strong, which is why there’s an Event Horizon in the first place; that is the point from which nothing macroscopic can return.

If you tried this the line would just get sucked into the Black Hole and whatever it’s attached to would get ripped from its foundations and also sucked into the Black Hole.


t1_j20z91v wrote

For the X|S consoles the new-Gen games only work on internal storage, you can’t run them off an external HDD. The alternative to shuttling is buying one of those proprietary storage cards which are like $300 for a 1TB internal storage expansion, which is obviously dumb as bricks.


t1_j20oqs6 wrote

I don’t use discs anymore, just digital storage.

My Xbox Series X has two external HDDs attached to it: one for everything pre X|S (4TB) and one for shuttling X|S titles to internal storage (5TB)

Shuttling is when you move games back and forth from HDD to HDD instead of deleting and having to download games again, so have I like 40 X|S games installed even though my internal HDD can’t hold nearly that many. The transfer rate is between 500mbps and 1000mbps so the largest games only take like 10-15 minutes to transfer.

I also have a Series S at my work desk and an Xbox One X in the bedroom, both of which receive games from the Series X via Network Transfer so I’m only ever downloading games once even though I may be using them on various consoles.

Digital is the SHIT


t1_j0cjufa wrote

The way forward is still digital, but with better storage management. The way I have things situated I have all of my games stored and updated with one console on three HDDs which can then be sent out to other consoles on my network.

My setup is as follows… Living Room: Xbox Series X with two external HDDs (One for Xbox One and previous, one dedicated for S|X titles which are massive). I shuttle new gen titles back and forth from the internal SDD and SX dedicated HDD.

Work Station: Xbox Series S (receives games from SX via Network Transfer)

Bedroom: Xbox One X (receives games from SX via Network Transfer)


t1_ix5l1xp wrote

I found that to be the pitfall of high end TB’s. I had 800X’s and the base stopped working so the whole thing became unusable and TB support was like “oh well spend another $400 and buy a new one.”

Since then I’ve been trying other companies and I’ve settled on Razer for now. Steel Series has some good ones also.


t1_ix52yen wrote

I’m using a Razier Kira for the most part because it connects to Xbox and also has Bluetooth so I can listen to music at the same time.

When I feel like being really sweaty I switch to Razer Threshers which are a lot more sensitive but they don’t have Bluetooth and they’re not quite as comfortable. They also have a red light on the end of the boom so you can see if you’re muted.