
KeystrokeCowboy t1_j5qjslf wrote

Where are the others if this is such a huge liability issue? This article doesn't really have a lot of details and 500k number for one employee smells like bullshit. There is more to this story. Not sure what you are even trying to blame the company here for. How is the company supposed to pay taxes for an employee that did not notify them where he was living after they got their address when hired? Are you suggesting companies need to send private tax investigators out to verify addresses?


KeystrokeCowboy t1_j5ptu4g wrote

Buisness Visa? Seriously. You think someone who is going to another country and getting that is the same as someone going on vacation which nobody gets a buisness visa for? If someone is going on vacation and working on some issue remotely for a company not in that country there is zero liability. If that same employee just stays there and takes up residency, that company is not liable unless its proven that employee submitted paperwork.


KeystrokeCowboy t1_j5plpke wrote

Your entire first paragraph is on the employee. They are liable for back taxes when it is proved they actually had income at their actual residence. Show me evidence a company has had to pay back taxes in this situation when an employee commits tax fraud.


KeystrokeCowboy t1_j5p1dpl wrote

An employee remoting into work in another country does not make that company operate or does buisness in that country and thus is not subject to all the other buisness requirements for that state nor is that some privacy violation. Top of your head = out of your ass.

Are you telling me people who go on vacations to other countries are legally barred from doing any work remotely in that country? Becuase you are wrong.
