
Lirdon t1_j3m36rb wrote

Spacetime is a concept on which space and time are connected as an intrinsic property. Especially when considering that you have an absolute constant, which is the speed of light, you can always convert one to the other. We measure distances in light years for that reason. But it goes deeper.

You can bend space, weird huh… not in the same manner that one might consider bending of a rod, but the general analogy which, though not perfect, works for many people, is putting a ball in the middle of a taught sheet of cloth. The sheet will sag in a certain way towards it, bending it. The thing is if you bend space you also bend time, in extremes, such as the proximity of black holes, time dilates, and to an outside observer looking at you it looks like you’re in slow motion.


Lirdon t1_j307e3y wrote

Reply to Helium-3 by fangedrandy

Building helium 3 mines off planet are massively expensive, especially considering that we don’t have any colonies in space, you literally have to build everything from scratch. If we had colonies in space already, then maybe. This means that anyone that wants to do this will pay every high bill for something that there MIGHT be a market for in some future, its a mighty big risk for the investment needed.

In addition to that, most Tokamak reactors don’t use helium 3, so there is no real demand for it.

Apparently there is a way to synthesize Helium 3 on the earth, and it obviously would be cheaper than building colonies off planet.


Lirdon t1_ise7v2q wrote

Repercussions? This is nothing new in china, any dissent is being censored, scrubbed and the person that put it out there arrested/disappeared. If that person is lucky, they get to make a retraction and return home under observation of the internal security apparatus and different limitations. If they are less lucky, they get imprisoned for a long time with only a formal trial. There are other even worse outcomes that I will not speculate on here, but let’s just say they are grim.